It’s lovely to see the children back at nursery after the October break, refreshed and ready to learn new things. This week we have been focusing on Stranger Danger and what to do to keep ourselves safe. We have had many discussions on this topic and you can find their comments and ideas displayed in the cloakroom for parents to read. We have acted out the yell, run, tell within games in the hall.
We continue to enjoy our time outdoors. We now have our own rope swing which the children are all enjoying, the forest is our friend no matter what the weather! Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for outdoors every day.
A coven of witches could be found within the nursery this week as we practised our spell making magic and potions, complete with rhymes and songs. We have also carved pumpkins and made soup for snack with the flesh and other ingredients. Hope we are all ready for the party on Tuesday 31st!!!