Last week began with our P6 and P7 pupils making the Sacrament of Confirmation on Monday evening. It was a beautiful service and the children did all of us proud. A massive thank you must go to Mrs Taggart, Mr Maxwell, Mrs Crooks and Mr Duffy for all of their hard work in preparing the children so well for this Sacrament.
On Friday, we had a non-uniform day to help raise funds for the Holy Ghost Fathers. We raised a massive £300, so thank you to all who gave so generously. All proceeds will go directly to the Holy Ghost Fathers to help them with the necessary work required for their car park.
For our week ahead, the Parent Council have organised school discos for Monday evening and a separate letter has been issued with details of this. Our Primary 6 pupils will begin their training as ‘Playground Leaders’ on Tuesday. We have a transition afternoon planned for Tuesday afternoon, but this may need to be postponed to later in the week as we are still awaiting final confirmation of staffing for next session.
Our nursery and P1 pupils will have a ‘Teddy Bear Adventure’ on Friday, and a whole host of fun activities have been planned for this.
On Sunday, our First Communicants are invited to attend a Corpus Christi Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church at 11am. This will be followed by a procession in the Grotto, weather permitting. A separate letter has been issued from Father McGachey regarding this.
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