Our senior pupils had a particularly busy week last week. They made their reconciliations in preparation for Confirmation and had a visit with Bishop Toal. They participated in a wear yellow walk on Wednesday in aid of St. Andrew’s Hospice and were also invited along to the ACN Youth Rally at Carfin Grotto on Thursday.
Last week ended with Sports’ Day. Mr Maxwell planned a full day’s worth of events for all pupils and the weather held for us. Children participated in potted sports in the morning, and competitive races in the afternoon. Well done to all the mums and dads who also participated in the afternoon’s races (although we think the chocolate eggs may have been a bit of an incentive!) It was a great day, our children had a great time, and a huge thank you must go to Mr Maxwell for organising it all.
Looking to our week ahead, our P6 and P7 pupils make the Sacrament of Confirmation on Monday at 7pm and a separate letter with final details has been issued for this. We ask that you remember them all in your prayers as they continue their faith journeys.
Thursday is the day of the General Election, so our school and nursery will be closed to all pupils. Staff have a busy day planned as they will attend school for in-service training.
On Friday, Term 3 and Term 4 House Winners will have a special treat (Micro Fitness) and, weather permitting, this will take place outdoors.