We have had a very successful first week back! Our Primary 1 children have settled very well and are enjoying their new classes and friends. They are lining up very well too and we ask that parents now wait behind the green gates when the bell rings to encourage the children to be more independent.
Our P2-P7 children have also settled well into their new classes and, for some, their new yard to play in. We also ask that parents coming from our big yard either wait until our Primary 1 pupils have entered the building, or leave just before the bell so that we can get our P1 children into a good routine.
Our 3-5 year old room in our brand new nursery has opened and children and parents were very impressed with their new environment. Work continues on our 2-3 year old playroom and will be opening soon. The external ramp has now been finished and work on the handrail is continuing over the weekend. We ask nursery parents to enter via the main entrance first thing in the morning and, if work has been completed, they will be able to collect children via the external entrance at collection time. Staff will advise nursery parents of arrangements when dropping off children tomorrow.
A newsletter was issued on Friday, and this will be published on our school website tomorrow, with a link via twitter.
Our Primary 7 children have been invited to participate in the sixth annual grandparents’ Mass today at St. Francis Xavier Church. They have also been invited to participate in the Year of Mercy Mass on Friday, with Primary 7s from across the Diocese. I am sure they will represent our school well at both events.
Annual calendars have been completed and can be accessed via our school website.
The SSPCA will visit our school on Wednesday and will work with children across the school throughout the day.
As always, if you have any comments or suggestions for our blog, please feel free to use the comment facility to do so.