The Parent Council met on Tuesday for the AGM. All office bearers were appointed as follows:
Chair – Mrs Gillian O’Donnell
Vice Chair – Mrs Debbie Murphy
Treasurer – Mr Mark O’Hara
Secretary – Mrs Kathryn Mushet
If you are interested in joining the Parent Council, please attend the next meeting on the 24th October or contact the school office.
Primary 7 had an online meeting with Kooth, a mental health support community. The children heard about how to login to Kooth and seek support when necessary.
Next week we will start the week with our whole school assembly celebrating Roald Dahl Day which is on the 13th September.
Our Primary 7s have been invited to Taylor High School on Monday evening for mass along with the current S1s as part of the transition programme. We hope to see many of our P7s there.
All classes from P1-6 will participate in a rugby taster session on Thursday. Children do not require an additional gym kit for this. P7 will then visit Brannock High School on Friday for a Rugby Festival.
I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Mrs Semple