P5 and P5/6 were given an introduction to the Clyde in the Classroom project, which involves them hatching fish eggs and looking after them, before releasing them into the wild. A hatchery has been installed in each class and the children are using ice bottles to create the perfect temperature for the eggs, which will be delivered this Wednesday. The children are very excited about the project, which provides a variety of learning opportunities and requires the children to show great responsibility.
The Parent Council met on Tuesday evening to discuss the latest events and future fundraising ideas. There are still plenty of space on the PC for anyone else who would like to join – just turn up.
Our Committee Groups met on Friday to create their mission statements and to brainstorm ideas for moving forward. The children have a good sense of what their groups are trying to achieve and hopefully we will see the final outcomes soon.
Looking towards next week, the children will come to assembly to go over our new school policy –Strive to Thrive. The policy will be sent to parents/carers this week, please check your emails for this.
Kevin Cameron will lead a hymn practice on Wednesday to prepare the children for First Friday Mass, which is at the later time of 1:45.
Primary 7 will also visit Taylor High School for the second time as part of the transition programme.