Thank you to our P7s who led our first Advent Service on Monday and a special thank you to Father Morris who blessed our new wreath. It was a very positive start to the festive season.
P7 represented our school at St. Teresa’s Church on Wednesday at the cluster mass. This is an annual event to mark the end of Catholic Education Week and to prepare for the transition to Taylor High School. P7 started the transition on Friday afternoon where they participated in STEM activities, home economics and health and wellbeing. The children spoke positively about their experience on Friday and are looking forward to their next transition event.
The children also gathered for a special assembly on Wednesday to mark the end of Catholic Education Week and St. Andrew’s Day. We introduced our new Vision, Aims and Values to the children, based on the feedback from all stakeholders over the last few months. These have been emailed to parents/carers and put on the school website.
Primary 4 lead our special mass for the Feast of St Francis Xavier and performed some Christmas songs at the Coffee Morning. Our Christmas Crafters also sold products which they have been making at their after school club for the last few weeks, led by Miss Kane and Miss McLaughlin. Thank you to everyone who came along and supported us.
Our second Advent Service will focus on Peace as we light our second purple candle on Monday.
Monday is our annual Christmas/odd socks day. There is no cost for this event.
P7 will make a trip to the Regent Shopping Centre on Tuesday and will perform a medley of Christmas Songs at 11:30. Please come along and support them if you can. This is part of The Regent Shopping Centre Competition where 10 schools compete to win vouchers for the centre. Our Lady and St Francis were holding on to 8th position but have slipped to 9th. Please vote for our choir if you have not already.
Our Christmas Lunch will take place on Tuesday. This is pre-ordered by children. If you have not pre-ordered your child’s dinner, please do this by Monday or provide your child with a packed lunch on this day.
Our Nativity will be performed by P1-3 on Wednesday and Thursday (1pm and 6:30pm each day). Tickets are now on general sale.
Friday is our annual Christmas Movie and Jumper Day. Our Parent Council are generously providing snacks and drinks for all children.