Last week was a short week for the children as they were only in school from Wednesday to Friday. On Wednesday, we had the first of our Infant Inductions and welcomed our new starts and their parents. P6 rose to the challenge of being excellent buddies to them and are looking forward to meeting them again this week. On Saturday, some of our P4 children made the Sacrament of First Holy Communion and did very well during the Mass. They were a credit to themselves and their parents, and thanks goes to Mrs Taggart and Mr Rankin for preparing them so well.
Looking to our week ahead, Health Fortnight begins. Children will be enjoying cookery sessions across the week and we will certainly be taking advantage of the nicer weather and will be learning outdoors as much as possible. Please remember to put sunscreen on your child before sending them to school in better weather. On Monday, our Pope Francis Faith Award pupils will attend the annual Fatima Mass in St. Francis Xavier Church and Processions from 10am onwards. On Tuesday, second level staff will visit Blackwood Primary as part of our North/South Family Group partnership. On Wednesday, it will be the second of the Infant Inductions, and this week our new children and a parent will enjoy a school dinner as part of the induction programme. On Thursday, we will welcome staff from North and South Lanarkshire schools to celebrate the successful year we have enjoyed, working in partnership with each other. Friday, it is Outdoor Learning Day. The Health Committee have organised fantastic outdoor activities for our pupils throughout the day.