We had a chilly start to our first week back; however, all children were happily entertained in the hall for the first few hours until the classrooms heated up again!
This term we welcome Mr Chris Maxwell to the senior leadership team as acting Principal Teacher. We are also delighted to announce that Mr Allan Robertson was successful at interview for the janitor post and will be joining the OLSF family soon.
Our Taylor High continuity programme continues for our P7 pupils and we had a well attended Sacramental Information evening for our P3 and P4 parents on Wednesday evening.
Looking to our week ahead, it is infant registration every afternoon this week. If your child will be 5 years old between 1st March 2019 and 28th February 2020, then please come down to the school between 1.30pm and 3pm any afternoon with their birth certificate, a council tax bill and their baptismal certificate (if appropriate).