Last week, the dental nurse visited nursery and Primary 1 on Monday. Our choir performed beautifully at the Family History Show on Saturday at the Civic Centre in Motherwell. Many thanks to Mr O’Brien, Miss Newall and Mr Docherty for accompanying them.
Looking to our week ahead, the dental nurse will be in on Monday to carry out fluoride varnishing in Nursery, P1 and P2. On Monday evening, it is the Parent Council Halloween Disco. P1-P3’s disco is from 6.15pm until 7.30pm and P4-P7’s disco is from 7.45pm until 9pm. Please remember, children SHOULD NOT bring money with them as their ticket price included a snack and drink.
The Halloween Parade is on Wednesday afternoon – children should come to school in their normal school uniform on Wednesday morning and should either go home at lunch time to change into their costumes, or bring them with them to school and a member of staff will assist with changing at lunch time.
On Thursday it is All Saints’ Day and our whole school will attend 10am Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church. The liturgy will be led by P6/7 and they will also lead the coffee morning following Mass. As always, we are looking for shop bought donations of baking and biscuits and raffle prizes.