After our holiday we are all refreshed and happy to be back. We are noticing the rapid change in weather with the trees in our outdoor area losing their leaves fast. The children have enjoyed investigating the masses of coloured leaves outdoors and are having fun with them in the wind.
The changes in our environment have merged nicely with our Goldilocks and the 3 Bears theme creating a lot of discussion about the woods. We made a big tree which is displayed in the cloakroom and this has created further opportunities for discussion about size. Measuring height has been a natural progression for us and this has been done alongside the tree. Our tree story is also evolving within the cloakroom for you to see.
The computer has been displaying a variety of Autumn games over the week, allowing the children to develop their memory and matching skills while gaining knowledge about healthy fruit and vegetables.
Pumpkins have been sourced and the children enjoyed investigating them before making pumpkin soup for snack. These experiences have helped them develop their knowledge of healthy, seasonal foods.
Our literacy outcome for this month has encouraged the children to discuss stories they like and dislike, affording a floorbook to have been completed with their views.
Our Halloween party will be held at the normal session times on Wednesday 31st October, we look forward to seeing your children in costume.