Last week our P7 pupils had a wonderful time in Kilbowie Outdoor Centre in Oban. As always, they were fantastic ambassadors for our school and staff commented on how well they represented themselves. A real credit to their families and our school – well done!
Our school photographer took whole year group photographs on Friday for our school foyer; you will also get the opportunity to purchase these photographs if you wish.
Looking to our week ahead, we welcome Her Majesty’s Inspectors from Education Scotland. They will be in our school all week observing the good practice that goes on in OLSF, and will get the opportunity to meet our fantastic children. There will be a P7 Welcome Mass at Taylor High School on Thursday evening – letters will be issued tomorrow from Taylor High School regarding this.
On Friday, it is our First Friday Mass and coffee morning, led by our P7 pupils. As always, we are looking for donations of shop bought biscuits and cakes (nut free, please) and raffle prizes. We hope you can come along and join us for this.