Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School

Nursery Blog 11.05.18


The children may have a short week but have been very involved in their play.

Our literacy outcome is about listening to gain information and the children have been demonstrating how effectively they are.  Lots of discussion has taken place about what we have learned and how we can help the planet by recycling. We are creating responsible citizens for the future!

Children have helped prepare snack this week and have shown impressive  skills while spreading butter on the toast and sandwiches over the last few days. Others have used their organisational skills to sort the snack names and lay out the milk and water. These are all useful life skills for the children to learn.

We are working our way through the Shanarri cycles in our groups and the children are giving their own feedback on how they feel they are progressing in each area. It’s lovely to see how enthusiastic they are about taking the pack home and the positive feedback we have had from parents.

The bumblebee group had an outing to the heritage centre on Thursday and were fortunate enough to experience an exhibition about mining. This enhanced their understanding of the jobs people do and they even had the opportunity to dress up. A great time was had by all involved!

As the mud kitchen outdoors has become very popular we would like to ask for donations of old kitchen utensils, pots, kettle and small plastic tubs to allow us to develop this further. Thank you.

Sent from FirstClass with my iPad

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