Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School

Week Ending 5th May 2017


It was a short but busy week  for pupils last week.

We welcomed our new Primary One children and their parents on Wednesday for our first induction day.  The children got to meet with their buddies and teacher and spend some time in their classrooms. Our existing Primary One pupils put on a welcome assembly for them and did exceptionally well.

On Friday it was our First Friday Mass and coffee morning and P4/5 led the Liturgy.  Thank you to all who contributed, participated, helped or attended.

Primary Four children had a practice in the Church for their upcoming First Holy Communion on Friday too.

For our week ahead, our Primary 4 children will make their Confessions on Monday in preparation for First Holy Communion.   On Tuesday, they will have a retreat over at the Grotto, led by Mrs McMahon.

The Rag Bags will be collected on Tuesday, so if you’ve not already had a clear out, there’s still time!

P7s will be having anti-bullying sessions on Tuesday; P6s will receive this on Wednesday.

P7s will have their photographs taken by the Motherwell Times on Wednesday.  Also on Wednesday, Pupil Council representatives will attend a North Lanarkshire Pupil Council event and P1s will have their medical checks.

Wednesday is day two of infant inductions so we welcome back our new parents and children and kick off the afternoon with a tasty school dinner!

On Thursday, Taylor High staff will visit our P7 pupils and some of our budding footballers will attend a football festival at the Ravenscraig.  Mary’s Meals will pick up their backpack appeal collection, so again, if you’ve not already contributed there’s still time.  Primary 4 children will go back to Church for a practice before Saturday.

On Saturday, our first set of children make the Sacrament of First Holy Communion at 11 o’clock in St. Xavier Church.  A letter with final arrangements will be issued tomorrow with full details.  I am sure you will remember them and their families in your prayers.


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