Another busy week in OLSF. Our football team had a very successful morning on Friday and we are very proud of them! The flu vaccination programme took place on Friday and we also had our annual halloween parade – please check twitter for photographs. We even had a surprise visit from Carfin’s version of Honey G – ‘Mrs T’!
Our continuity programme for P7 starts on Monday morning and our pupils will go to Taylor High each week. I am certain our pupils will represent our school well as they always do.
On Tuesday it is the feast of All Saints and our whole school community will be going to Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church at 10am. This will be followed by our monthly coffee morning and as always we would be grateful for any contributions of raffle prizes or shop bought baking. P6b will be leading the liturgy and the coffee morning this time.
On Wednesday evening we will be hosting a Taylor High information evening in our school hall – a letter has been issued separately to our P7 pupils with further details on this.
A selection of after school clubs start this week, and letters have been issued to all pupils who have expressed an interest in them. We have everything on offer from choir to cross country to Christmas crafts! How lucky are our children?!