On Monday of last week we had our summer discos and children came along dressed in their shorts and shades and had great fun. On Tuesday, our P7 children went to M and Ds Theme Park and had an absolute ball. On Friday, our Nursery children had their graduation and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house! They were super stars on stage and there are definitely some budding choir members amongst them!
It is our last week this week and school closes at 1pm on Wednesday. Our Nursery children go on their trip on Tuesday and this is the last day for Nursery children, as all children are having a full day session on Tuesday for the trip. Our menu has changed this week and details of this are on twitter. A number of children still have insufficient funds on their cards for their dinner – please ensure your child has enough money for breakfast club and lunches.
Wednesday is a Holy Day of Obligation and our whole school will be attending Mass at 10am over in St. Francis Xavier Church at 10am. This will be a lovely way to end our school year.
On behalf of all the staff at OLSF, we wish everyone a happy and healthy summer holidays!