Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School

Week Ending 13th May 2016


Our Nursery, P1 and P2 children were visited by Childsmile on Monday and learned about the importance of brushing their teeth properly.  Our Primary 7 pupils had visits from Taylor High staff in preparation for their transition to High School in August.  Our P6 and P7 pupils participated in the annual Fatima Mass over at St. Francis Xavier’s Church on Friday and represented our school beautifully.

Work on our new nursery started this week – a section of our yard has been cordoned off so that work can begin.  It is expected that this will be ready to open in August and we can’t wait to see the finished product!

On Saturday, the first of our P4 pupils received the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for the first time.  The sun shone for them and the pupils ‘shone their stars’!  They were outstanding – an absolute credit to themselves, their parents and our school community.  It was a beautiful Mass and we look forward to next Saturday when the remainder of our P4 pupils make this Sacrament.

For our week ahead, Virgin Media volunteers will visit our school again on Tuesday to finish painting our railings – they have made a fantastic job so far of doing the undercoat and it has made such a difference to the appearance of them.

North Lanarkshire’s Learning Festival will take place on Wednesday and Thursday of this week and parents are welcome to attend – further details can be obtained from North Lanarkshire’s website or from the school office.

On Friday, our P1s and Nursery children will participate in many fantastic activities for our annual Teddy Bear’s Picnic – all proceeds raised from this event will go to St. Andrew’s Hospice, a very worthwhile local charity.

On Saturday, the remainder of our P4s will make the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for the first time at 11am in St. Francis Xavier’s Church – continue to keep our P4s in your prayers as they continue on their faith journey (and say an extra prayer for some sunshine!)

The weather looks set to continue to be good – please be mindful that we make good use of our outdoors area and remember to apply sunscreen to your child/children before they come to school.

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