Fairtrade Fortnight kicked off on Monday in OLSF. P6 Fairtrade reps spoke very confidently and knowledgeably to our children at assembly about all things Fairtrade.
On Tuesday our choir took part in NLC’s Fit for Life Project. They sang beautifully on the stage and the organisers commented positively on both their performance and their behaviour – as always they were great ambassadors for our school.
On Friday it was wear red day as part of our themed Fridays for Lent. The Salvation Army visited us at assembly and told the chidlren some of the fabulous work that they do – they are also one of our nominated charities this year.
For our week ahead, on Monday tickets for Alice in Wonderland go on sale. Due to restrictions in the size of the hall, P6 will be offered 3 tickets to both the afternoon and evening performances for Wednesday 16th; P7 parents will be offered 3 tickets to both of Thursday 17th performances and P5 will be offered 3 tickets for the Friday afternoon performance. Any unsold tickets by Wednesday of this week will be on general sale on a first come, first served basis. It proves to be a great show so don’t miss out!
On Tuesday we are having an information evening for our P4 parents in St. Francis Xavier’s Hall at 7pm. A letter has already been issued to P4 parents regarding this.
On Friday it’s onesie/PJ day for our Lenten Fridays. Guide Dogs for the Blind will be visiting our school on Friday as they are also one of our nominated charities. Please remember your £1 for all of these worthwhile charities.