Alice rehearsals are really hotting up now and we now have our fantastic back drop in place – a huge thank you to Mrs Crooks, Miss Campbell and Miss McGhee for giving up so much of their own time to do this.
It was odd socks and shoes day on Friday and the Beatson Clinic visited our school to talk about the fabulous work they do; they are one of our nominated Lenten Charities this year.
We have a very busy week ahead – Fairtrade Fortnight begins and our children will be undertaking lots of Fairtrade themed activities.
On Tuesday our choir will perform at Motherwell Civic Centre along with choirs from other NLC Primary Schools. They will perform a song from Alice in Wonderland and also the song that our P7 pupils wrote as part of the Fit for Life Project. A letter was issued to choir parents on Friday with further details. There are still a few tickets left for this event – please contact the school office if you’d like tickets for the show.
On Wednesday, the oral health team will be visiting our P1 pupils.
On Friday it is wear red day for our Lenten charities – this is a non uniform day. Please remember your £1 for our nominated charities. The Salvation Army will visit our school on Friday and speak with our children about all the work they do and they are also one of our nominated charities this year.
Our ‘Daily Mile’ is proving a big hit with our pupils (and staff!). We have had a lovely week for it and the children are really enjoying the fresh air and exercise. Please ensure your child has weather appropriate outdoor clothing as we plan on continuing with this initiative most days unless the weather is particularly bad.