Eco Week

We are currently in the midst of a very exciting Eco week, a full week dedicated to Eco, Health and Fairtrade. The whole school has been involved in a variety of exciting activities. We started our week with a lot of our classes braving the weather to upgrade our playground. P3 and P4 worked together to carry out some weeding and planted some very kind donations from parents and ASDA.

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Muirhouse Primary Choir

This week we were very grateful and honoured to be invited to sing alongside the Glasgow Philharmonic Male Choir. We got a bus and travelled over to the City Halls in Glasgow. After our sound checks our choir performed alongside the professional singers. We thoroughly enjoyed our evening and the guests have commented on how great we sounded. A video of our full performance will be uploaded soon.  

Baking Day on the Isle of Struay

Every week the Isle of Struay sets aside one day as their baking day. On that day all of the villages bake things including Katie Morag. Last week P2a joined the Islanders and made healthy oatcakes. All of the children helped to sort out the ingredients, add it to the mixture and then stir the mixture carefully. They even wrote out the shopping list and method for Miss Huxford during

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The Magic of Road Safety Show

Primary 1, 2 and 3 from both Muirhouse Primary and St Brendan’s Primary had a very fun afternoon watching ‘The Magic of Road Safety Show’. The magicians showed them lots of different tricks and taught them a lot about how to stay safe on the road. They taught the children that green means go, amber is there to be seen and red means STOP!