Kilbowie: Day 2

We have had a very exciting day two in Kilbowie. With the weather being so sunny and warm many of us took to the water to try new exciting sports. We had more than one group out canoeing to the island across from the centre, some people even managed to kayak across (which took a lot of concentration and balance) and some groups went gorge walking. It seems that gorge walking is definitely everyone at Muirhouse’s favourite activity so far (including the teachers). While we were out gorge walking had to scramble along the rocks, paddle through the river, swim through some sections and even got to jump off the rocks into a fresh water pool. Miss Huxford was a little scared but we all helped her to jump in. It was cold but so much fun! Once we were all back at the centre a few of us had another go at jumping off the jetty into the salty water. Miss Huxford didn’t look to happy in the picture we took and Miss Napier has shown it to all of us. It is very funny!
Other groups were lucky enough to have their turn at the safari with Derek. Everyone loves Derek’s jokes as well as finding out about all the different animals that used to and still do live in this area. We have some really interesting facts that we can tell you when we are back.
Everyone was starving by the time it got to dinner and everyone had an empty plate. After dinner, there was no time to rest as we went on another hill walk because the weather was so nice! Miss Napier even raced some of us down the hill but I don’t think she was fast enough to catch up with us.
After such an exciting day I think we have decided we will just stay for another few weeks, we hope your not missing us too much!

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