By exploring my local community, I have discovered the different roles people play and how they can help. SOC 0-16a
Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design. EXA 0-05a
This week the children have been enjoying learning about our Topic, People Who Help Us! They have been looking specifically at the Police Officer again this week. We have been looking at the different ways the Police travel in our community. The children created their own replica police cars using various different materials. They will be put on display along with the children’s Police hat and badge, they look fab!
As I explore Christian stories, images, music and poems, I am becoming familiar with some beliefs Christian people have about God and Jesus. RME 0-01a
As I play and learn, I am developing my understanding of what is fair and unfair and the importance of caring for, sharing and cooperating with others. RME 0-02a
The children continued to learn about Baby Moses. They have enjoyed this story and the different online resources and story books that have supported their learning. The children have created their own Baby Moses baskets that have been put on display in the classroom! Well done boys and girls!
I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and others safe and how to respond in a range of emergency situations. HWB 0-17a
The children have also been learning about Stranger Danger! They have been made aware that a stranger is someone that we don’t know, who approaches us. The children engaged in a role play activity where they have been learning how to react in these circumstances. They have to run, yell and tell! The children were fantastic during this activity and enjoyed learning using role play. Well done Primary 1a!
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