Room 7

Primary 2 and 3

March 15, 2019
by Miss Torley

This week . . .

The week flew by in Room 7! We have been so busy.

We are still learning to multiply at maths time, and we have learned lots of strategies for this. We have looked at repeated addition, making groups, arrays, and now we are working on our times tables. Primary 2 are focusing on the 2 times table, and Primary 3 the 4 times table.

We wrote a recount of our World of Work Week yesterday, and Miss Torley was so happy with how hard we worked, and how independent we were. We talked about using punctuation to help us read smoothly at reading time, and we worked on writing good beginning, middle and end summaries.

Miss Torley’s favourite time of the week is Wednesday mornings, when we play find the word, and then go to gym. She is always so impressed with our skills at gym time. This week, we were learning how to forward roll correctly, and we added jumps into our balance beam work. We used what we learned at the shapes and balance station to improve our routines, adding in strong landings and end positions. Miss Torley said we all listened very carefully to our advice, and we improved every time we tried again.

Today was Red Nose Day, and we all enjoyed designed our own red nose, and playing a special Comic Relief version of find the word.

March 7, 2019
by Miss Torley

This week . . .

This week in Room 7 some people moved to silver for their fantastic literacy work. P3 were working on answering questions in sentences at reading time. P2 were doing a new book called Rice Cakes and we were finding verbs and nouns in it. P3 moved into groups, one was reading Horrid Henry and the other was reading The Hen Who Wouldn’t Give Up.

At maths time, we learned about equal groups to help us with multiplying.

At indoor gym, we have been learning gymnastics. We have been using some equipment and watching video clips of gymnastics. We watched the pommel horse, the women’s floor routines and the men’s vault at the 2012 Olympics that happened in the summer.

I’m getting better at doing the rolls – Megan

I’ve been doing better jumping higher – Zack

I got better at doing a front flip – Anna

When we were jumping I did 6 front flips – Calvin

I got better at staying on the balance beam, I never fell off it – Ross

I liked when I was jumping up on the yellow horse and jumping back down – Kerr


Today, we were doing Mackintosh’s rose design. We will colour it in tomorrow. We made our own notes about Mackintosh and we used them for our exciting writing today. We wrote an information report about his life.

February 28, 2019
by Miss Torley

This Week . . .

This week in Room 7 some people moved to silver for their fantastic literacy work.

P3 were working on answering questions in sentences at reading time. P2 were doing a new book called Rice Cakes and we were finding verbs and nouns in it.

At maths time, we learned about equal groups to help us with multiplying and times tables.

At indoor gym, we have been learning gymnastics. We have been using some equipment and watching video clips of real life gymnastics. We watched the pommel horse, the women’s floor routines and the men’s vault at the 2012 Olympics in London.

I’m getting better at doing the rolls – Megan

I’ve been doing better jumping higher – Zack

I got better at doing a front flip – Anna

I got better at staying on the balance beam, I never fell off it – Ross

I liked when I was jumping up on the yellow horse and jumping back down – Kerr

Miss Torley is absolutely amazed at how well we are doing in PE, and she always looks forward to a Wednesday morning when it’s time to go to gym. She’s so proud of how well are doing and can’t believe how hard we work to get better.

Today, we were drawing Mackintosh’s rose design. We will colour it in tomorrow. We made our own notes about Charles Rennie Mackintosh and we used them for our exciting writing today. We wrote an information report about his life.

We are looking forward to World of Work week and World Book Day next week too!

February 1, 2019
by Miss Torley

This week . . .

At literacy time, P2 were finding nouns in our reading books. P3 did a spelling quiz and we all think we did really well. We VCOP to turn boring sentences into exciting ones. We used WOW words.

For maths, P2 learned to do chimney sums and P3 used our textbooks to learn about hundreds, tens and units chimney sums. P2 used their maths booklets too.

We learned more about Glasgow and the Coat of Arms, linked to St. Mungo. We saw a mural of St. Mungo which is painted onto the side of a building in Glasgow. We saw a new one too, of St. Mungo as a baby with his mum. We looked at more murals around Glasgow including one of Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

In gym, we started gymnastic and we learned some new moves. We learned a proper gymnastic walk, and we learned skips, strides and jumps.


I am happy about getting two weekly wonders – Colby

I really liked using the textbooks for maths – Fraser H.

I liked doing chimney sums – Megan

I liked seeing Charles Rennie Mackintosh in the big wall – Zack

I liked seeing the murals of St. Mungo and the robin – Kerr and Harris


January 17, 2019
by Miss Torley

This week . . .

This week in Room 7 we started learning about Glasgow. We learned that it is a city, looked at different ways to get there using Google Maps, and found out how long it would take using different methods of transport. Lots of us already knew a little about Glasgow (like the squinty bridge, Glasgow Green, The Hydro and the Clyde) and we are excited to find out more.

At the start of the week, we painted winter hats. We had to use paint and glue and lots of different resources, and we were so sensible and organised. Miss Torley was very impressed!

There were 4 new star writers today. They wrote an acrostic poem about winter. We used lots of WOW words.

We did more subtraction sums this week. P3 used their number square, and tried to add mentally by breaking numbers into hundreds, tens and units. P2 used their number lines, and are getting better every day!

I’m getting better at counting in my head – Chloe

People might get some wrong, but mistakes help you learn – Zack


January 10, 2019
by Miss Torley

This Week in Room 7 . . .

We started learning about subtraction this week. Primary 3 children have revised using a number line and number square to take away. Primary 2 children used cubes to take away. Megan said “I got them right” and Rory said “I got some wrong but I got some right too. Mistakes help you learn.”

We got new jobs in class, like Munch Monitors, Board Cleaner, Resource Managers and Tech Team.

In PE, we did yoga. Everyone has really improved from the very first time we did yoga! Aston said “It was the best” and Sophie said “I like doing it because it helps you relax.”

Primary 3 chose a reading book from the library, and in class we learned about plurals. Plurals mean more than one of something. We learned to add s or es.

Today, we had 4 new star writers. These children made a big improvement and their writing was outstanding. Miss Torley will take a photo of us, and put it up later.

This afternoon, we found out that our new topic will be Glasgow!

January 7, 2019
by Miss Torley

Happy New Year from all in Room 7!

Happy New Year to all of our Room 7 families!  We hope you had a lovely break with family, friends, and pets.  We’ve had a great start to the year, with 8 of us being so wonderful that we were moved on to silver – a great achievement.  The rest of us had a happy day staying on green for great!  We are hoping for lots more of this throughout the rest of Primary 2 and 3.  We spent part of our first day coming up with ideas for our Bucket List of things we would like to achieve this year – lots of great ideas to help us grow.  We will be starting a new maths topic with a focus on subtraction tomorrow and have lots of new learning to look forward to.  We are very excited about 2019!

November 22, 2018
by Miss Torley

This Week . . .

In Room 7 this week, we learned all about Children in Need and helped to raise money. We saw Pudsey in the playground, he even did the dab and the floss!

In exciting writing, we had 6 star writers – Sophie, Anton, Isla, Rory, Anna and Kathleen. Well done!

We learned about 2D shapes. Today, P2 made a shape flap book. We had to find out how many sides and corners each shape had. P3 were learning to tile with 2D shapes.

We had a great day, we had 2 children on silver (Calvin and Alfie) and Miss Torley was so happy with all of the children in our class. We were being organised, hard working, and kind to each other.

We started learning our party dances with Room 9 this morning too and we really enjoyed it.

Right now, we are about to read our next chapter of The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. We’d love for you to ask us what happened next when we get home!

Room 7 and Miss Torley

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