Category Archives: RME

Trip to Glasgow

Primary 7 went on a trip to Glasgow on 28th February to see some of the famous landmarks mentioned in Divided City and to take part in a challenging sectarianism workshop at St Mungo’s Museum of Religious Life and Art called ‘Bigot Busters’.

We got the mini bus to Shotts train station where we got the train to Glasgow central. Below, the P7 pupils that went on the trip will give their comments about what they learned and enjoyed the most. Here is a gallery of pictures:

Buddhism project

Alicia, Keiran, Holly, Dylan are doing a RME project on Buddhism.There are lots more projects like Lewis’ group is learning about Islam and lots more. But for now we are talking about our project because you can see the other ones on their blog. They say that Buddhism just lets go of your worries and its full of concentration, so if you worry they say that Buddha means the awakened one.

Keiran, Alicia, Holly and Dylan’s R.M.E project

Our project is about Buddhism. Buddhism is full of concentration. Dylan is the ICT manager, Alicia is the mannaging director so if she says I have to go get the pencils I have to! Holly is the creative director and Keiran is the is the resources & time manager. Today Keiran isnt here. Everybody has their own group with a different religion to study,  like Charley R’s is Sikhsism,  Aidan’s is Islam, Shaun’s is Hindu. That was all of them and that’s all.