All posts by Miss Robertson

Primary 7 – Newspaper Group

Miss Barr took the netball team to a competition. Don’t they all look great? Everyone worked hard and performed excellently.

In class we made lava lamps, as part of our science lessons.

For P.E. Miss Barr has been getting us to complete circuits. We do different activities at each station such as push ups, sit ups and star jumps. It’s exhausting!


By Katie


ijkj nettball

Primary 2/3/4 – Newspaper Group

Since January we have been working hard on our maths. We have been learning how to divide and working on our mental maths. We practise our times tables each day.

In gym we have been practising balances and rolls, we enjoy the teddy bear roll.

Our new topic this term is Farm to Fork. We have looked at where food comes from and the different food chains in the world.


By Amira, Kira, Lexi and Mitchell

Primary 1/2 – Newspaper Group

In maths we have been learning addition for example 2+2=4 we also learned a clapping maths game.

We have been learning the Alphabet.  In class we also do a bit of handwriting.   We also have common words and we learn them once a day.

We also learned about the gingerbread man. We learned that everyone wanted to eat the gingerbread man and the fox did.  We also learned the gingerbread man song.

By Brandon, Jacob and Kody (and Melissa)