All posts by Miss Robertson

Primary 2/3/4 – Newspaper Group

For the past two weeks Room 2 have been learning French with Mrs. Towers. We have learned a French rap song all about numbers and we really enjoy taking part in the lessons.

In maths our focus has been Number Talk strategies, to help us with mental maths, and shape. We know the names of different 2D shapes and 3D objects and we can describe them. This week we have moved on to information handling, using tally marks to create bar graphs.


By Aaron, Amira, Kira, Lexi and Mitchell.

Primary 5 – Newspaper Group

In the last two weeks we have been learning all about the human brain and why it is so important. The brain is the most important organ in the body and it helps you think and talk.

In maths we have been working on Number Talks, looking at ways to make our mental maths easier. We know about number bonds, for example 60+40 = 100. We have just started the maths topic of measure. We know that measure can mean length or weight and we use different measurements for each. For example kg means kilogram and is used to measure weight whereas we can measure length in cm (meaning centimetre), mm (meaning millimetre) and km (meaning kilometre).


By Melissa and Xander

Primary 7 – Newspaper Group

In Primary 7 our reading book is Divided City and we are learning about two of the main characters, boys called Joe and Graham. One of the boys was involved in a fight with another boy who was stabbed, his name is Kyoul. We have tried to find the real places mentioned in our book, such as Glasgow. In maths we have been focusing on money and are learning how to budget.


By Katie

Primary 1/2 – Newspaper Group

For the past two weeks the boys and girls in Room 1 have been working hard at their number bonds. They have been using an empty number line to help them count on, as well as the continual use of the ten frame. All of the children enjoy their mental maths activities and are becoming very quick at answering questions.

During Thinking Circles the class have been learning about Fairtrade as part of Fairtrade Fortnight. They know that buying Fairtrade goods helps other people.

The Primary 1s have enjoyed visits from the pre-school children in the nursery as part of the transition events, while the Primary 2 boys went to the nursery for some constructive play.


By Brandon, Jacob and Kody

Primary 6 – Newspaper Group

As part of our Natural Disasters topic Primary 6 have been learning about tsunamis. A tsunami is a huge wave that is made by an underwater earthquake. The earthquake happens when the tectonic plates shift and two rub against each other, causing one to flick up above the other.

In maths Mrs. Kelly has been teaching us about fractions and we have moved on to looking at equivalent fractions. An equivalent fraction would be when one fraction means the same amount as another, for example 1/2  is the same as 2/4.


By Alistair and Demi

Primary 5 – Newspaper Group

Primary 5 are doing a new topic called ‘The Human Body’. We wrote a list of things we already knew about the body and a list of things we didn’t know but wanted to learn about. During P.E the class have been working with Miss MacMillian on our gymnastics skills. We have been practising things like rolls, balances and flight (which means jumps). She lets us use different types of equipment such as mats, benches and boxes to push ourselves. The class really enjoy their gym time with Miss. MacMillian.
On Thursday 2nd March it was, sadly, our last day of swimming at the Time Capsule. We were allowed a fun sessions which everyone enjoyed and on the way back to school everyone was shouting “goodbye” to the Time Capsule.


By Billie and Zander

Primary 2/3/4 – Newspaper Group

For the past two weeks Room 2 have been working on a new topic called From Farm to Fork. We have learned about the three different types of farms in Scotland (livestock, arable and crofting). The class looked at the foods each type of farm produced and learned that every food comes from either a plant or an animal.

In maths Miss. Robertson and Mrs. Towers have been teaching us how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. We have been using this to help us estimate answers. An estimation is a guess but a good guess.

On Wednesday 1st March the class had a visit from Warburtons. The two visitors talked about healthy eating and getting ready to cook. They then let us make our own healthy sandwiches and we could choose toppings such as cold meat, cheese, pepper and spring onion.

By Aaron, Amira, Kira, Lexi and Mitchell

Primary 1/2 – Newspaper Group

Over the past two weeks Room 1 have been very busy! During their literacy time the class have been working on their letter formation and handwriting. They have been practising each letter in their jotter, as well as using play-doh and laminated mats to make and trace each letter. At reading time, the Tiger group have worked hard. They are taking turns in reading to each other and working to complete missing word tasks using their book.

Miss. Bond has introduced ‘Number Talks’ to her class, using a ten frame to help with the recognition of numbers to ten. The class have enjoyed learning to use the frames.

On Thursday 2nd March it was World Book Day and the class enjoyed a visit from Primary 6 and 7. The classes buddied up and the older children took the time to read a story. Miss. Bond dressed as the Rainbow Fish and characters such as Harry Potter and a Power Ranger came to school! In the afternoon Mr. Murray took the class for some P.E games, including Battleships.


By Brandon and Jacob

Primary 5 – Newspaper Group

In gym on Tuesday with Miss Macmillan we are doing gymnastics, lately we have been working on rolls and balances.

On a Thursday Primary 5 get to go swimming. We’re so lucky this year, because we are the first year to go to the Time Capsule for swimming.

As part of our Scotland topic we looked at Mary Queen of Scots, we know lots of facts about her. Did you know she was executed when she was 44 years old? She was crowned queen of Scotland when she was six days old and got sent to France when she was five years old.

In class we are reading the book The Last Wolf by Michael Murpurgo.


By Billie and Xander

Primary 6 – Newspaper Group

In class we are learning about fractions and how to solve them. We just finished Algebra.

We have been learning about Scottish landmarks and manmade marks. Right now we are looking at natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanoes. We learned that earthquakes can sometimes not be felt but some can be felt from 1000 miles away. The earthquake is a very dangerous disaster that can destroy lots of homes and cities. We made models of some volcanoes, we plastered them then we painted them. Volcanos are a very strong and dangerous disaster that can happen.


By Alistair and Demi