All posts by Mr Murray

Poppies for Sale

We would like to say thanks to Mrs Rusk from the Parent Council who has made poppy brooches for sale in our school.  These cost £2 each and all the money goes to charity.  We also have plastic poppies available for a donation ( min 20p) and this money will also go to charity.


Our House System

We have been planning a new house system for our school and are ready now to elect our first House Captains.  Primary 6 and 7 pupils completed some research into our local area to find names for our houses.  We decided on Arden, named after Ardenrigg coal mine in Salsburgh, Muir, which was the name of one of the first houses built in Salsburgh and Lang after Langside farm.  We think these houses reflect key  aspects of our community.

Our Primary 7 pupils have already started writing their speeches for house captain elections and elections will take place when we come back after the October break.

Reading Challenge

We are all excited to launch our First Minister ‘s Reading Challenge.  We have our booklets now so are looking forward to reading as many books as possible.  I wonder which books we will start with?

Good luck everyone and keep us up to date with what you are reading.


Open Afternoon

Thank you to everyone who came to school this afternoon to visit classes to see how our pupils learn.  The pupils love sharing their learning and it has been beneficial for parents/ carers to see the methods used so they are able to support effectively at home.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

We would like to say a huge thank you to our Friends of Kirk o’ Shotts group and parents for providing a coffee morning to raise funds and awareness of MacMillan Cancer Group. We had a fantastic turn out from our community and raised a staggering £500 which we will be sending to this amazing charity. Thanks again to everyone who supported this event, it was a fantastic achievement.

Eco Flag

image Congratulations to all our pupils and staff for their fantastic achievement in gaining a fifth Eco Green Flag.  It is an incredible amount of work to receive one of these awards and we are very proud of everyone at Kirk o’ Shotts Primary.