All posts by Mrs Matthews

Scottish Government Autism Consultation

Please see below the website link to the invitation and arrangements for the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Scottish Strategy for Autism in Glasgow. This is an opportunity for people to record their views regarding autism services and the autism strategy.  Please distribute to as wide a range of people as possible including individuals, families, young people and colleagues in education.

Harvest Assembly Monday 9th Oct- 2pm

All parents and carers are invited to the Harvest Assembly. Please send a donation of non-perishable food or toiletries for the foodbank. P2/3/4 will be presenting their learning and there will be a parent tea afterwards. Pauline Russell, Community Learning and Development (School Worker) would very much like to meet as many parents as possible and find out how best she can work with our parents and families.

Forthcoming visit by HMIE

Dear Parent

HM Inspectors from Education Scotland will be visiting us to conduct an inspection during the week commencing 23rd October 2017. You can find out more about inspection, from the Inspection and review documentation pages of Education Scotland’s website.

As part of the inspection, Inspectors gather the views of stakeholders via an online survey which is available from here for school parents and here for nursery parents.
I would like to encourage you to complete the survey. Inspectors will also be meeting with groups of parents during the inspection so to be part of that discussion you should complete the survey with additional links provided to indicate your interest in taking part.

You should complete the survey by 13th October for one child or for each of your children in attendance.

Kind regards

Gillian Matthews
Head Teacher