Divided city the four capacities

Successful learners

  • Exploring what we have in common and how we differ.
  • Looking beyond labels and stereotypes.
  • Seeing things from another point of view.
  • Learning about groups that face discrimination.
  • Begin to think critically about why discrimination occurs.
  • Gaining a clear understanding of key terms and facts about refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Gaining a clear understanding of key terms and facts about sectarianism.

Responsible citizens

  • Gaining insight into the experience of being discriminated against.
  • Gaining knowledge of myths and stereotypes surrounding asylum seekers and refugees and the ability to develop own responses.
  • Learning about human rights and the right to asylum in particular.
  • Practice standing up for ourselves / each other and others through role play.
  • Developing respect for others’ beliefs.
  • Developing ability to make informed choices and decisions.

Confident Individuals

  • Encourage self esteem by celebrating differences within the class.
  • Ability to empathise with others by learning about different cultures.
  • Developing awareness of the ways people a interconnected across the world.
  • Developing understanding that all human beings share common humanity.
  • Learning to appreciate the uniqueness and diversity of human beings.
  • Developing the ability to relate to others and to communicate own beliefs.
  • Effective Contributors

  • Acting as allies against discrimination in playground/ out of school situations.
  • Taking part in research to find out more about discrimination.
  • Communicating to others about what we have discovered.
  • Work in partnership and teams.
  • Apply critical thinking.

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