National 4/5 Design and Manufacture

The aims of the Courses are to enable pupils to develop:

  • skills in design and manufacturing models, prototypes and products
  • knowledge and understanding of manufacturing processes and materials
  • an understanding of the impact of design and manufacturing technologies on our environment and society

This Unit covers the product design process from brief to design proposal. It helps pupils develop skills in initiating, developing, articulating and communicating design proposals. It allows them to develop an appreciation of the design/make/test process and the importance of evaluating and resolving design proposals on an ongoing basis. It allows them to develop an appreciation of design concepts and the various factors that influence the design of products.

Materials and Manufacturing:
This Unit covers the product design process from design proposal to prototype or product. It helps pupils to ‘close the design loop’ by manufacturing their design ideas. It allows pupils to develop practical skills that are invaluable in the design/make/test process. It helps them gain an appreciation of the properties and uses of materials as well as a range of manufacturing processes and techniques. It allows them to evaluate, refine and resolve design and manufacturing solutions. In both Units, pupils will gain knowledge and understanding of design and manufacturing technologies and how these impact on our environment and society.


Unit Assessment:  
Units will be assessed on a pass/fail basis within centres. SQA will provide rigorous external quality assurance, including external verification, to ensure assessment judgments are consistent and meet national standards.

Course Assessment:
To gain the award of the Course at National 4, the pupils must pass both Units as well as the Assignment. To gain the award of the Course at National 5, the pupils must pass both Units as well as the Course Assessment which consists of a final exam and Assignment. The Course Assessment will be graded A to D.


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