National 5

National 5
Candidates gain an understanding of environmental science through a variety of approaches, including practical activities. They research topics, apply scientific skills and communicate information related to their findings, which develops skills of scientific literacy.
The course content includes the following areas of environmental science:
Unit 1 – Living environment
The key areas covered are: investigating ecosystems and biodiversity; interdependence; human influences on biodiversity.
Unit 2 – Earth’s resources
The key areas covered are: an overview of Earth systems and their interactions; the geosphere; the hydrosphere; the biosphere; the atmosphere.
Unit 3 – Sustainability
The key areas covered are: an introduction to sustainability; food; water; energy; waste management.

The Course Assessment has Two Components.
Component 1:
Question Paper
100 marks during 2 hours and 30 minutes exam
Component 2:
A research and written piece of work which is completed under exam conditions within the classroom
20 marks

Other qualifications in biology/human
biology or related areas
Further study, employment or training

Conditions of Award
The grade awarded is based on the total marks achieved through the question paper and assignment.

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