Kilsyth Academy News – 22/05/15

Rehearsals for ‘Disco Inferno’ are almost complete and it promises to be a fantastic show, featuring all the best songs of the 70s. Pupils and staff involved have put in a tremendous amount of work over many months and we hope that the performances, on Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th June, will each play to packed audiences. This week sees the arrival of the set and an intense weekend of rehearsals, to ensure the highest possible standard of performance for everyone. Some tickets are still available at lunchtimes, outside the café, priced £7 for adults and £5 for concessions – but hurry, they are selling fast!

Our annual Leadership Academy at Kilbowie was once again a great success. The programme over the weekend included a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities, balanced with learning about the various strands of leadership. The pupils were a credit to the school and all completed the course successfully. Many thanks to Mr Turnbull, Mr Rennie, Mrs Wilson and Magi Hamilton, for accompanying the pupils on this venture.



Our bee hives are now in situ, in the school’s Eco Garden, and this week saw the arrival of the bees themselves. Groups of pupils have been learning about how the bees are looked after and how the hives operate, which has been very exciting.



Congratulations to the S4 Geography pupils who organised a number of fund-raising activities, including a wet sponge contest, to raise much needed funds for Nepal. The pupils managed to raise over £200 and thanks go to everyone who supported them. Meanwhile, S3 Geography pupils have been out and about in Kilsyth, participating in field work, as part of their course.

rocket winners


Our annual Primary Rocket Competition took place last week. In the team event, the results were

1st and trophy winner : Kilsyth Primary (382m distance for 4 rockets)

2nd : Banton Primary (376m)

3rd : Lennoxtown Primary (210m)

In the individual event, awards went to

1st : Callum Mewes (Banton Primary)

2nd: Rachel Davies (Kilsyth Primary)

3rd : Zara Smith (Balmalloch Primary)

Best Rocket Design : Erin Dent (Banton Primary)

Thanks to all the primary pupils and staff, Kilsyth Academy helpers, Mr Dudman, Mr Scott and the Rotary Club of Kilsyth, for making this such an exciting event.


S4 pupils who are not sitting examinations have been learning a lot about the world of work this week, with inputs from SDS, the Army, a day long workshop on Employability and attendance at a Modern Apprenticeship event – it’s been a busy four days!

The new timetable will begin on Monday 1st June and all pupils returning to S5/6 must resume classes that day, unless they are sitting an examination. The Leavers’ Ceremony will take place on Wednesday 3rd June and school leavers from S4, S5 and S6 are invited to attend, in uniform. Pupils should all arrive by 9.20 a.m. and the ceremony will finish by 10.30 a.m., when the leavers are invited to join the staff for tea, coffee, cakes etc.

The next meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Thursday 28th May, at 7.00 p.m. This is a week earlier than originally scheduled, due to the timing of the school show.

Kilsyth Academy News – 15/05/15


Tickets for ‘Disco Inferno’, on the evenings of Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th June are on sale every lunchtime, outside the café. The prices are £7 for Adults and £5 for Concessions.

A group of S3 pupils, studying Modern Studies, visited the Scottish Parliament last week and had a great day. During the visit, they had an opportunity to discuss fracking with MSPs Jamie Hepburn and Margaret Mitchell. The group also toured the Parliament and greatly enjoyed the experience. Many thanks to Mrs Wilson for organising the trip.

Simultaneously, a group of S1 pupils spent the day at Our Dynamic Earth. This was part of their Geography course and, again, the young people had a fantastic day. Many thanks to Miss Moir for organising the event.

Pupils in S4, S5 and S6, who do not have Study Leave, have been working with New College Lanarkshire and Skills Development Scotland, for part of each week. In classes they have been working on some projects, including fundraising for the Nepal Earthquakes.

Our three Uniform evenings will take place on Tuesday 19th May, Monday 8th June and Wednesday 17th June, each from 5.00 p.m. until 8.00 p.m. There will be a number of special offers available at each of these events. At each one, our Parent Council will be selling tombola tickets and we hope parents will take time to support this and to chat to the Parent Council about their work. Donations for the tombola would be most welcome, in the run up to these events. These can be handed in at the school reception or passed to any member of the Parent Council.

The school will be closed on Friday 22nd May and Monday 25th May, apart from those sitting SQA examinations. They will run as scheduled.

The next meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Thursday 28th May, at 7.00 p.m. This is a week earlier than originally scheduled, due to the timing of the school show.

Kilsyth Academy News – 01/05/15

The annual Primary Athletics competition took place last week. Athletes accumulated points for being placed in the first three in each field or track event.  Schools then had the opportunity to gain double points in the 4×50 metres Relay.  After some very close results, Balmalloch Primary was awarded the trophy for best overall school.  Craighead Primary was the runner up.  The event was organised and run by this year’s Sports Leaders group, as the final part of their coursework.  The individual results were are follows:


Event Boys Girls
80m Hamish McMillan


Sophie Bridges


200m Robert Lang


Zara Smith


600m Connor Robertson


Alana Thompson


Shot Putt Aaron Lindsay


Rebecca Wilson


Cricket Throw Logan Thompson


Kathryn Henry


Long Jump Mark McCann


Maya Devlin


4×50 Relay Ballmalloch Balmalloch


Congratulations to our 3xl group, on the completion of their Arts and Employability project. The pupils made a film about the dangers of knife crime. Last week, they joined pupils from other schools across North Lanarkshire for a film premiere and Celebration of Success event.

Tickets for ‘Disco Inferno’, on the evenings of Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th June are now on sale from the Music and Drama departments. It promises to be a great show, packed with all the favourite 1970s songs. The tickets are priced £7 for Adults and £5 for Concessions – they are likely to sell quickly, so please don’t delay.

Our three Uniform evenings will take place on Tuesday 19th May, Monday 8th June and Wednesday 17th June, each from 5.00 p.m. until 8.00 p.m. There will be a number of special offers available at each of these events. At each one, our Parent Council will be selling tombola tickets and we hope parents will take time to support this and to chat to the Parent Council about their work. Donations for the tombola would be most welcome, in the run up to these events. These can be handed in at the school reception or passed to any member of the Parent Council.

Please remember that Thursday 7th May will be an in-service day, but SQA examinations will run as scheduled.

Kilsyth Academy News – 24/04/15

Congratulations to Carly McLaughlin (1B) on being selected as the Chamberlain for this year’s Kilsyth Civic Week. Carly took part in an interview and performed a reading, prior to being selected from a field of candidates. We are delighted for her and wish her every success in the role.

Pupils in S4, S5 and S6, who are sitting SQA examinations, will be on Study Leave from Wednesday 29th April until Friday 29th May (inclusive). Pupils who have no examinations should continue to attend school throughout that period.

School show rehearsals are gaining momentum, as we prepare for our production of ‘Disco Inferno’, on 2nd, 3rd and 4th June. Tickets will be going on sale very soon, so please hold the date.

The Parent Council will be running a tombola at each of the Uniform Evenings, during the summer term. They would be grateful for any donations, towards prizes, and these can be handed in at the school reception desk, by 8th May.

The Parent Council will meet on Thursday 30th April, at 7.00 p.m., in the school.

The school will be closed on Monday 4th May and then Thursday 7th May will be an in-service day.

Kilsyth Academy News – 02/04/15

Plans for Easter School, from 13th to 16th April, have been communicated to all those who have enrolled. Tutorials are now full. Pupils in S4, S5 and S6 have received individual exam timetables, where appropriate and all pupils have received a letter outlining arrangements for Study Leave. Pupils who are not sitting examinations will not be entitled to Study Leave.

The Junior and Senior Inter-House Quizzes took place last week. In the Senior Quiz, Balmalloch and Dumbreck were 1st equal, Antonine were 3rd and Colzium was 4th. In the Junior event, 1st place went to Balmalloch, Antonine and Colzium were 2nd equal and Dumbreck took 4th place. Well done to all participants.

Congratulations to the many pupils whose achievements were recognised at our Celebration of Success Assembly, at the end of term. These successes were many and varied, highlighting the breadth of talent we have in Kilsyth Academy.

Happy Easter to all pupils, parents and friends of the school. We will re-open on Monday 20th April, at 8.55 a.m.

Kilsyth Academy News – 27/03/15

Congratulations to our Dance squads who represented the school at the North Lanarkshire Dance Championships. After two days of competition, Kilsyth Academy was delighted to come away with a total of seventeen medals.  The S1 Juniors, dancing to Circle of Life, were delighted to win gold in the Jazz category. The dancers involved were Ailsa Deans, Hollie Currie, Megan Currie, Eilidh Dunsmore, Bethany Lyall, Ellie Andrews and Hannah McFarlane.  In the Senior categories, the girls were awarded second place in the hip hop section and third in the contemporary category. The dancers in this group were Mollie Kiernan, Connie McFarlane, Nicola Wilson, Mairi McLean and Mhairi McFarlane. The dancers were also very appreciative of the efforts Connie Kirwan (S5), who did an excellent job in applying the junior dancers’ stage make up, for their performance as jungle creatures!!

Well done to Murray Gallagher (S6), who took part in the Scottish Civic Trust’s ‘My Place’ photography competition. There were almost 500 entries in total and the panel of judges was very impressed with the quality and range of submissions. Murray’s image, ‘Harbour Walk’ was selected by the jury as a Highly Commended photograph within this year’s secondary school category.

Our annual Primary K’Nex Challenge took place last week and the schools were well represented. As always, the young people came up with some very imaginative designs and worked well as teams. Following the judging, Craighead team 2 were declared the runners up and Chapelgreen Team 2 were the winners. Well done to all concerned and thanks to Mr Turnbull and his S3 helpers, for laying everything on.

Last week also saw the annual Rotary Club Public Speaking Competition, within the school. The eleven competitors had prepared excellent speeches for the judges, who came from the Rotary Club of Kilsyth. At the end of the event, the winner in the Junior competition was declared as Harry Thomson (S1) and the runner up was Ross Chalmers (S2). In the Senior competition, the winner was Sean Climie (S6) and the runner-up was Adam Boyd (S4). Well done to all!

All pupils should have received a copy of the Head Teacher’s Newsletter, which incorporates a copy of the Progress Report from the school’s HMIe Inspection, in 2012.

Plans for the Easter School, from 13th – 16th April are now all in place, and those pupils who have opted in have been provided with details about tutorials, study time and transport. Pupils have also been issued with individual timetables and detailed instructions for the forthcoming SQA examinations.

The school will close for the Easter Break on Thursday 2nd April, at 2.30 p.m. and we will re-open on Monday 20th April, at 8.55 a.m. Thursday will also be a non-uniform day and pupils wishing to participate in that should pay £1 towards yearbook fundraising.

Kilsyth Academy News – 20/03/15

Go4Set Team

Pupils from S2 travelled to Hamilton on 19 March to take part in the Lanarkshire finals of this year’s Go4SET competition. This competition links teams of S2 pupils with companies, to offer a 10 week science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) experience. Work-related learning within an industry and enterprise context is the basis of the project, and our team had been paired with Network Rail. Our team consisting of Jodie Young 2D, Jasmine Geor 2B, Emma Stewart 2B, Finlay Sword 2A, Luke Shearer 2A, Jamie Stevenson 2A and Elena Walker 2D had been working very hard to produce a new design for Croy railway station. Their task was to produce a proposal for a sustainable station with improvements in energy consumption, passenger comfort and efficiency.
On the day the team made a presentation to the judges, demonstrated their excellent model of the design, and had their project report scrutinised by the judges. Although not winning the competition, the judges were very impressed with Kilsyth’s proposal. The feedback to our team praised the range of ideas generated, the focus they made of the station being used as a community resource, and their effective teamwork. Well done to all the pupils, and thanks to Mr Dudman and Mr Turnbull and to their mentors at Network Rail for all their help.

Pupils in S4, S5 and S6 have been issued with information about the forthcoming Easter School, from Monday 13th to Thursday 16th April, during the second week of the Easter holiday. We would encourage all those who will be sitting exams to take advantage of this opportunity to attend subject tutorials and to study in a quiet environment. All returns must be made by Tuesday 24th March, so final arrangements can be put in place.

All S2 pupils should now have returned option forms to their Pupil Support teacher and we have now moved to the options process for pupils in S4/5. There was a fantastic turnout of parents at the recent S2 Parents’ Evening and we hope that it was a valuable experience, at this time. S3 Tracking reports will be issued next week.

Immediately after the holiday, on Tuesday 21st April, S3 pupils will be faced with extended assessments in all their subjects. The style of assessment will vary from subject to subject and pupils will have no more than two assessments/day, during class time.

Study Leave, for pupils in S4/5/6 who are sitting examinations, will be from Wednesday 29th April until Friday 29th May, both dates inclusive. Pupils must be in classes up to Tuesday 28th April, as there is still work to be completed. Pupils who have no examinations will not have Study Leave and will be expected to attend school, during this time.

The school will close for the Easter Break on Thursday 2nd April, at 2.30 p.m. and we will re-open on Monday 20th April, at 8.55 a.m.

Kilsyth Academy News – 13/03/15

Kilsyth Academy selected thirty five pupils to take part in the North Lanarkshire Cross Country Championships at Airdrie last week. The weather conditions were less than favourable and every athlete put in a huge effort, just to complete a very challenging course.  When all results were collated the S2 girls’ team of Jessica Curle, Morgan Ross, Rebecca Love and Kayleigh Craig finished in a very impressive 2nd place.  All four girls finished in the top twenty five out of over a hundred athletes giving them a very solid team score. Congratulations to them and to all other members of the team, for their contribution.

A group of S1 and a group of S5 girls participated in the North Lanarkshire Dance Championships, also held in Airdrie last week. The girls gave an outstanding performance but results of the competition are not yet known.

Our S2 pupils have been considering the courses that they will specialise in next session and have been attending interviews with Pupil Support staff, as part of that process. There will also be a Parents’ Meeting on Tuesday 17th March, from 4.15 until 6.45 p.m., when parents can meet with class teachers to discuss progress and preferences for next session.

Our S4 xl Club paid a visit to Hampden, to attend the ‘Welcome to your Future’ event, which was an opportunity to access information from employers and Further Education establishments.

Well done to the S5/6 Beauty Therapy group who organised a Pamper Day, with donations totalling almost £130. The girls have now donated this sum to ‘Children in Need’.

Kilsyth Academy News – 06/03/15


Rotary Winners

The annual Rotary Technology Competition took place last week, once again hosted by Kilsyth Academy. There was an amazing turnout from schools throughout Lanarkshire and it was a challenging day for the teams who participated. Kilsyth Academy won the Advanced category, for senior pupils, and congratulations go to Kathryn Marshall, David Bauld, Josh Wood and Calum Baird. Also, sincere thanks to the Rotary Club for organising the event.

The fundraising Race Night, in aid of the forthcoming Rwanda trip, was a great success and raised over £1400. A group of senior pupils and two staff will be heading to Rwanda in June.

Higher French pupils attended an immersion day this week, at the Alliance Française. This will be of great assistance to the pupils, as they prepare for their forthcoming examinations and those involved enjoyed the day.

Elections for members of the Scottish Youth Parliament have been taking place across Scotland this week. In Kilsyth Academy, pupils voted for their preferred candidate, on Wednesday. We look forward to hearing the outcome of the event.

Some of our Mark Scott Leadership for Life candidates have organised Heartstart training to enable pupils to teach first aid. The next step will be to put this learning into action!

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