Day 2 thoughts

Here are some of our thoughts about day 2…


Jack – during the rock climbing I worked with Scott and Aaron and we had to communicate with each other to go at the same pace and keep each other safe. I really enjoyed it and would try to push myself even further next time I tried it.

Amy S – to get ready for our activity was a challenge in itself! We had to help each other get into our wetsuits and make sure our kit was secure. This was the start of a day of learning and fun!

Amy A- I learned how to use and put on different equipment for different activities. I was a bit nervous and unsure of the activities to start with but I kept going and tried hard and was pleased that I did!

Ellie – My favourite activity was the Rock Climbing. I had to be strong and confident and Mrs McKay said I flew up the rock like Spider-Man! I really enjoyed working in a team to help each other out.

Aaron – I took part in all the activities today and my friends helped me to feel brave and safe. Jumping into the sea was freezing to start with but I got used to it and I loved it!

Scott McL- today I feel I have been confident and I have made myself join in with the activities even when I found it difficult. The Rock climbing was my favourite today!

Holly – Something that I achieved today was believing in myself that I could do things that I never thought I would be able to. All my friends supported me and we had great fun.

Sarah McL – I enjoyed the climbing the most today but when I looked up I thought I couldn’t do it because it was so high. I tried my best and I made it to the top. I felt really proud of myself!

Anna – Today I accomplished climbing up the edge of a cliff even though I am scared out of heights. I had to think quickly when I got stuck and felt there was no way to go. I made it to the top but need to remember not to look down!

Steven enjoyed the skiing because it’s an experience he’s never done before and doesn’t know if he will again. He liked it because although people fell they got back up.

Jenny believes she needed balance and the ability to grip into the surface to avoid falling.

Lewis enjoyed the skiing as he progressed through different levels and heights on the slope.

Scott has never skied before and he thinks this challenge him on his balance and grip and his ability to stick with it even when it gets tough.

The rock climbing was an activity that Farryn thinks pushed her However by starting at a low height this allowed her to develop her confidence and her rock climbing skills. By the end she scaled a rock face that was extremely steep and her rope was secured by her classmates who she had to trust .

Blair was very proud of himself as he was attached to ropes and managed to climb halfway up the rock face. Although he was scared he pushed himself to at least attempt the task

Leah thoroughly enjoyed the skiing as she grew in confidence and by the end could skii from the top of the slope. She learned how to slow and stop on the slope by turning one foot inwards to create friction and grip.

Kimberley has discovered she is a talented skier even though she has never been skiing before. Miss Henderson commented on how good she was and she is aiming for the next Winter Olympics.

Although Sarah has not been rock climbing before she gave it as go. She was very scared at the beginning but felt safe knowing that her classmates had a strong grip on the safety ropes.

By taking part in the night line Abbie realised that she had to trust the person In Front of her to help her move forward She had to wear an eye mask and so had to use her sense of hearing and sense of touch as she could not see anything.

13 thoughts on “Day 2 thoughts”

  1. Sounds like you all had good fun skiing and well done with rock climbing sounds like that was a massive achievement for you all, very brave and great team effort!!! Even for spiderman ellie (made me chuckle)…

  2. Great team work everyone! Leah when I was there Alex was a natural skier and did really well too! I loved the night line but didn’t have a blind fold on! Have a great day. Ps the school is very quiet! 😉

  3. Lovely to read all your thoughts, can’t wait to hear all about it on Friday when you get back, sounds like you’re all having great fun and learning lots of new things, so exciting for you all, enjoy the rest of your time guys ❤️

  4. Well done everyone sounds like you are all taking on those challenges and enjoying your time working together to help each other. You are all doing great and we are all very proud of you looking forward to more updates 🙂

  5. P7 look as if they’re having a great time and working well together pics a brill great to look at 👍👍👍👍👍😀😀

  6. Well done to all of you, especially the ones who found it scary and then did it anyway. With an attitude like that, there is nothing you can’t do! Hope the weather stays kind and you are all still enjoying yourselves.

  7. Well done everyone looks like ur all having a blast, keep up the adventure and enjoy every minute of it, hope ur having lots of fun abbie 😃 xxxx

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