Back to School Thoughts- by Evan Burke


Back to School


Following the Christmas Holidays students across Scotland had been struck down by yet another Lockdown forcing student and teachers back into their homes and delaying schools once again. However, recently the schools opened, and student and teachers alike returned to their classes and here at St Aidan’s we sat down with a couple Sixth-year students to hear their thoughts and opinions on their return.


The first thing we questioned was the students’ opinions on returning and how they were feeling as they returned to normal classes, Daniel Burns said,

“It’s good to be back and see people but it’s weird to see so many people in the same space.”


And to most it would seem like a sudden shock seeing so many people gathered in the once space especially after spending so long at home with the only interaction with other people being through a computer screen. Another student, Robyn Cavinue, had stated,

“it’s scary, but obviously the teachers are doing whatever they can to make it not as scary.”


And it’s true, teachers have been trying their hardest to assist students through the process as they return and help them feel more comfortable. However, some students are a bit more excited to be back as one Mia Fallon claimed,

“It’s definitely a weird experience but it’s good to be back and life’s starting to feel more normal now.”


However, returning to school is only one step in returning to normality, as we also asked about any changes the students may have expected as they returned. Opinions varied as some students expected harsher rules as said by Mia.

“I expected it to be a lot more social distanced and stricter rules which has been followed.”


Ella McKendrick claimed,

“The school is a lot more tense; I think a lot more people are more anxious, and I think I expected it to be quite strict, but I think it was quite unexpected how much other people have changed as well.”


Lockdown and Covid have hit hard, and many people have been caught in the fallout finding ways to keep safe and it has changed everything, except for some students who had admitted they didn’t really expect many changes, Emily Duffy claimed, “I thought it would be more strict” while Daniel hoped “just that we’d be able to get rid of social distancing when in the school and would be able to sit with my friends.” Unfortunately, as much as we can hope it’ll be a long while until we can truly return to normal interaction with our friends.


Finally, we asked about the students thought on their upcoming exams, although official exams have been cancelled by the SQA and the Government schools are still required to hold assessments to test students’ skills so as to make a prediction on their final grade, which for these 6th year students will be their final grade before they leave for the next chapter in their life.

“I’m quite nervous about them and I think everyone is, I think as well there’s been a lot of change about them, and there’s a lot of question surrounding them.” Said Ella.

Although exams have already begun for some it is still very difficult for many, for these sixth-year students it’ll only be their second time performing exams following their cancellation the previous year. Robyn explained,

“I think it’s more stressful now than it would’ve been in the first place.”


Overall, returning to school has been a difficult process with many students voicing their own opinions and worries as they try to return to normal while dealing with their exams which’ll decided their future and I can do is wish them luck and hope they can make it through.

Video Game Top 5 By Evan Burke

JMAC 5: Favourite Video Games 

5: Life is Strange Series 


Developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix, Life is Strange and is prequel Before the Storm is an episodic graphic adventure with elements of drama, fantasy and dark mystery. 
The first game follows the story of Max Caulfield, a photography student living in the fictional town of Arcadia Bay, Oregon. After discovering she has the ability to rewind time Max decided to work alongside her Childhood friend Chloe Price to solve the mystery of a missing girl by the name of Rachael Amber a close friend of Chloe, in the process uncovering dark secrets within the town and a terrifying premonition.  

The prequel, Before the Storm follows a similar game style and focuses more on the story of Chloe and Rachael and the relationship between them with a lot more focus on themes of growing up, loss and emotions.
Life is Strange made its mark with its award winning story led by amazing and realistic characters and plot twists that made you think and its consequences mechanics. In the game the choices you make matter, these choices maybe as subtle as dialogue options or as much grander in making action that can have life or death consequences. But overall whatever you do and say will have an impact sooner or later. Although this type of mechanic is hardly original the original game puts a spin on it with its rewind feature that allows you to rewind time and correct mistakes or try out different alternatives until your happy, but even then you never know how it will affect you down the line. Although Before the Storm lacks this feature the game plays wonderfully with consequences making everything feel more grounded without the supernatural elements making the choices you make matter and resonate with you as the player more. Life is Strange is a simple but an amazing game with many replay opportunities allowing you to play through the game in various ways and try out different actions and decisions to learn and view the world in a number of ways and see how you as the player impact that world.  




4: Horizon Zero Dawn 


Designed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Horizon Zero Dawn is an award-winning action-adventure Roleplaying game with sci-fi and fantasy elements. 
In a post-apocalyptic future overrun by plant life and robotic creatures the humans left alive must live a new life as they try to survive the deadly machines. The player takes control of Aloy, an orphan disgraced by her tribe, will travel across the land exploring ruins of lost cities, braving harsh conditions and many challenges to take revenge on an enemy tribe that attacked her and the mystery of her own birth.  

Horizon Zero Dawn received many praise for its interesting and captivating story, world and characters with the star Aloy, perfectly and consistently fitting in with the narrative that the game shows us. Her personality stands out as the outcast different from others but filled with curiosity allowing us to understand her actions throughout the games, investigating ruined structures of bygone citys that other characters have forsaken. The world-building is immaculate as we can see the time has passed since the fall of humanity, the remains of cities overgrown with greenery and rust filled with debris and relics from the old world and technological temples that managed to survive seem alien compared to everything else. Gameplay is amazing with no one way to deal with any situation. Taking the discreet road and silently taking out human enemies one by one is rewarding or you can go loud and use your myriad of gadgets and equipment to storm enemy’s and take them out. Finally the true gem of gameplay is the mechanical creatures that are roaming the earth, with multiple types ranging from robotic deer to ginormous dinosaurs each one is terrifying and amazing in their own way with every beast baring it own capabilities forcing you as the player to come up with different strategies in order to deal with them. Once again Horizon Zero Dawn is an amazing game filled to brim with activists and exploring to do that will leave you playing for hours searching for everything.  


3: The Last of Us Series 


Developed by Naughty-dog and published by Sony, The Last of Us is 3rd-person action adventure game with elements of survival and horror set within a post-apocalyptic America.  

Following an outbreak of a mutant fungus that turns those infected into aggressive cannibalistic creatures known as Infected. Humanity is trying to survive with warring gangs and the controlling and paranoid government willing to shoot anyone on sight. The first game mainly follows Joel, a cold and stoic survivor who is tasked with smuggling a young girl named Ellie who may be the key to a vaccine. The game follows their growing relationship as they travel across country facing many obstacles and addressing themes such as loss and what people are willing to do to survive. The second game mainly focuses on Ellie and follows a similar plot travelling across country but instead focusing on a theme of revenge and the cycle that comes with it.  

Although simple, The Last of Us is an amazing series that has won many awards for its story, gameplay and characters. The players traverse through various areas from ghost towns, ruined citys, forests and sewers that all feel unique and terrifying in their own way as you use a variety of firearms and makeshift weapons to defend yourself against hostile humans willing to do anything and the cannibalistic creatures that lurk behind every corner. Certain situations can be approached multiple ways from sneaking through without getting caught to assaulting the enemies with everything you’ve got. Exploration is a huge part of the game as you search for resources to craft with as well as collectibles scattered through out the games.  





2Red Dead Redemption Series 

Developed and published by Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption is a series of western themed action-adventure games with an emphasis on 3rd person shootings. 

Chronologically the first game in the series is Red Dead Redemption 2, following the story of Arthur Morgan, a member of a criminal gang led by Dutch Va Der Linde. Set in 1899 the gang must deal with the decline of the Wild West, living in a world that doesn’t want them any more while also dealing with the government, rival gangs and other adversaries as they commit crimes in an attempt to raise money so that they may leave the United States and start a new life. The game also follows John Marston a fellow member of the gang who goes on the become the protagonist of the original Red Dead Redemption game in which it is now 1911 and Marston who refuses to accept the American frontiers death continues to act as a hired gun until his wife and child are kidnapped and held ransom for his services forcing Marston to hunt down the members of his former gang.  

Considered one of the greatest and highest selling series of all time both of the Red Dead Redemption games have received many awards including Game of the Year from multiple gaming publications and considered by critics as the best games ever made. The games are presented through open world in which you can explore the American south and interact in a number of ways from shootouts, heists, hunting, and numerous side-quests and interactions that make the world feel aliveThe open-world is beautiful with various different areas that all look amazing from the dusty areas down south to the snowy mountains up north the weather plays a fun role as certain weather conditions will negatively impact your character should you fail to plan accordingly, warmer clothing option negate the effects of cold weather and vice versa apply negative effects in warm weather meaning you should plan your outfits accordingly. Gunplay feels amazing with old western time weapons making you feel like a true cowboy with your characters iconic “dead eye” ability allowing you to slow down time, mark targets and then accurately hit them creating that illusion of you being a true gunslinger as you take down enemies. Additionally the game is sold by its morality as bounty systems where every action you make has an impact on the way the world and other characters will interact with you. Meanwhile committing crimes within certain areas of the map will label you as wanted within that area meaning police and bounty hunters will attack you on sight so as to claim the bounty on your head, otherwise you must pay it off yourself. The Red Dead Redemption games is an amazing series that truly deserves the the amount of attention and rewards that it has received and is definitely one that I would recommend.  


1God of War Series 


Developed by Santa Monica Studios and produced by Sony, God of War is a series of action adventure games with elements of fantasy and mythology that have become a staple for the Play Station brand.  

The games follow the story of Kratos, a Spartan warrior tricked by the God Ares into killing his own family which triggers a chain of events as Kratos battles the pantheons seeking vengeance against the Gods for their many machinations. The Greek era of the games mainly focuses on Kratos following this path of vengeance slaying the Greek Gods one by one until finally none are left. Most recently the Norse era shows the aftermath, Kratos older and wiser now follows a path of redemption feeling guilt for all he has done while also introducing Atreus, Kratos’s son as a secondary protagonist as the latest game follows shortly after his mother’s death as he and his father travel across the Scandinavia in Midgard and other realms of Norse mythology to spread her ashes all the while dealing with Norse Gods and creatures who stand in their way.  

God of War is a fun and exciting series that has taken a couple of forms, earlier games followed a linear pathway with a fixed camera and played similar to a hack and slash style of games mowing through enemies by chaining together combos and different weapons you collect from the Gods you slay giving you a range of abilities and useful powers in order to progress through the game. The most recent 2018 instalment introduced a more open play style with an over-the-shoulder camera and open-world map with many areas to explore to attain new gear and improve your characters and grow stronger more like an RPG with many collectibles and side-quests to assist in the process. God of War is a fun story with interesting characters and dynamics that make the series stand out and is one that definitely deserves the attention.  




Cool Yule in Saint Aidan’s




Christmas Jumpers Make the Day

“Wear your Christmas Jumper to Work” took on an extra dimension when the students of Saint Aidan’s ditched their uniform for a day and wore their festive finest. A colourful array of Christmas jumpers were the crowning glory of the students who turned up in their smart-casual outfits.

With everyone paying a pound for the privilege of wearing their festive best a £642. was raised for Save the Children and the APD partner-project in India. The party mood was added to as first and second year held their party in the social dining area, with the Saint Aidan’s massive DJ’s Deepcat and Ginger filling the floor as they dropped some monster beats!  Big shout out for Jamie and Josh please. Respect! 🙂


Strictly Come Dancing- The Saint Aidan’s Edition


Strictly came to Saint Aidan’s on Wednesday the 20th December when staff and seniors took to the floor to entertain the students in a glorious extravaganza of stylish dance and elegant costume. To be fair, that was the aim, but delivery was more comic than composed.  However, the good-natured event saw the staff and students deliver a fun-filled afternoon at the expense of only a little dignity leaking from the participants.

Elf-costumed PE teachers cavorted wildly and Mr McKague, Depute Head Teacher, delivered an homage to the dance influences of his distant youth that had the hall roaring its approval. Mrs Claire Connelly, head teacher, stepped into the shoes of Darcy Bussell to lead the judging panel. Those wildly cavorting elves, specifically PE Teacher Jamie Craib and Social Studies Teacher Melissa Bourke, won the day with a routine that really impressed the panel as it referenced the slosh, Grease and Dirty Dancing, but which was ultimately its own unique performance.

Nearly three hundred students watched the show and a £750 was raised to support the Saint Aidan’s ongoing commitment to the APD project for disabled young people in India.

Social Studies Department teachers Lucy Kelly and Caroline McHenry organised the event and commented: “Thank you to all the staff who gave up your time (and dignity) to put on an excellent show- it was so worthwhile and great fun! Mr. McKague’s performance was a particular treat. We raised a fantastic £750 for APD and couldn’t have done it without support from the whole school community.”

Christmas Hampers Delivered

Food Hampers

Every year the students and staff of Saint Aidan’s work hard to bring some extra Christmas cheer to the local community. One annual event that is going from strength to strength is the appeal that goes out to all of our students to collect food that goes into festive hampers for distribution to pensioners in local parishes.

Students bring in their donations and everything is brought together and organised through the tireless efforts of our fourth year citizenship class, led by Mrs Elisabeth Hynes. Boxes are wrapped in Christmas paper and the donations are sorted and organised to make sure each hamper becomes a real Christmas Treat.

Mrs Hynes commented, “Thank you to everyone in the school community, teachers and students, who have worked to make the Christmas Parcels project complete.  Local people will be getting our Parcels now.

Thanks to all the staff who helped in any way and huge thanks to the staff who delivered parcels to the parishes:


Mrs. Brown – St Athanasius, Mr. Connarty – St Ignatius, Miss Donnelly – St Aidan’s, Miss Muldoon, St Patrick’s Shieldmuir and St Thomas’, Mrs. Telfer – St Patrick’s Shotts, and Father Bruce – St Brigid’s and St Mary’s Lanark.

School Christmas Concerts

The school Christmas Concert went with a swing once again as the Saint Aidan’s musicians put the festive season into overdrive. Close to one hundred young people participated in two events- The Christmas Concert on Monday 18th December and the Pensioners Concert on the afternoon of Tuesday 19th December.  The school assembly hall, elegantly decorated with festive finery, was filled to bursting point for both events.

The young musicians created a range of great groups: from the Junior Band, Choir, and the Senior Concert Band through to the Samba Band, Swing Band and ensembles for clarinet, saxophone and flute. The variety of talent performing at the concerts was amazing and some of the classic sounds of Christmas were given a fresh and exciting spin by the Saint Aidan’s musicians. Special mention should go to Katie McCrum of S4, who performed a technically brilliant and emotionally powerful solo performance of “My Grown up Christmas List”, a song that really got to grips with the real moral message behind the festive season.

Over two hundred pensioners from the community were invited to a matinee performance of the concert and enjoyed a festive tea while being entertained by the young musicians. Once again the event was a great success.

Mrs Celia McEachen, Faculty Head of Music and Art, was delighted with the commitment, hard-work and talent of all her young musicians within the department, commenting, “It is wonderful to see our young people deliver such a high level of performance and it is a real testament to the hours of dedication they put into their musical education. These young people really go above and beyond our expectations of them when they collaborate in creating events like this. The amount of energy and enthusiasm in the room that they generated through their performance was amazing.”






Gymnastic Success


The North Lanarkshire Gymnastics Competition, held in the Ravenscraig on Friday the 8th of December, was a roaring success for the St Aidan’s gymnastic girls. Emma McConville, one of the successful young gymnasts played a role in securing first place and gold medals for her team at level 3. Individually she placed 3rd overall and was delighted to discover it meant she received an A band 1 for her national 5 PE prelim.


Emma Commented saying “It gives me and my teammates a good reputation within the department and it shows we can work well in a team. I think it really benefits the school and its image.” Additionally she commented on her teacher and in school coach saying “Miss Cairns is over the moon! She’s a very good coach and is always so supportive.”

Miss Cairns commented herself saying “Hard work definitely pays off. I’m a proud teacher and coach, these girls are talented and great role models within the school.”


The girls were joined at the event by family and friends and the gymnastics team at St Aidan’s has always received overwhelming support from staff and students alike.










Press Report 6th December

The sixth year JMAC students have been busy compiling a wide range of stories and photographs for this week’s press report.

You can click through on any of the headings below to take you to article and photographs. 

How about leaving some comments about the pieces? We would love to know what you think!

St Ignatius Reading Aloud Photos

Talbot Centre

💄 Makeup Masterclass 💄

S1/S2 Bookfare

Parent and Pupil Event

Bishop Toal interview


Press Report 29th November

Caritas Students Represent the School.

Our senior students who are actively involved in the Caritas group within the community represented the school recently at the Annual Mass for deceased clergy in the Diocese of Motherwell in St. Ignatius Church.

Lauren McCulloch and Nicole Findon both read the intercessions. Students are pictured with Bishop Toal, Father Maguiness and Mgr. Conway.


Saint Ignatius Book Week Visit

Our first year drama students have been polishing up their reading and performance skills during class recently. The aim of this fun immersion in some classic children’s fiction such as “The Gruffalo” and “The Cat in the Hat” was pretty serious though. Groups of our new first year are returning to their old primary schools to read these great stories to small groups of primary two pupils.

The visits are part of the focus on great literature that Scottish Book Week promotes but are also a great opportunity for the first year students to return to old friends and faces from their primary years.

The confidence and skill that the students have demonstrated in their performances are a great testimony to the real effort that they are putting into their study of drama.

Thanks go out to school librarian, Marie McGough, who not only helped to coach the young people in their reading style, but accompanied the students back to their primary schools. The students pictured have returned to Saint Ignatius, their former primary school.


Peer Advocates Tackle Big Issues

Our S5 and S6 Peer Advocate group attended a workshop that examined the impact that drug use can have on young people.

The event was put together by Landed, a charity that “Provides and promotes education services for young people in North Lanarkshire.”

The senior pupils participated in a wide range of interactive activities and came away with a deeper insight of the impact that cannabis use can have on the lives of people in the community.


Saint Aidan’s Student is British Champ

Congratulations go out to fifth year student Haydon McAvoy British Taekwondo Champion in the 50 kilogramme division.

Scottish Parliament Workshop

On Friday, 24th November, 8 Higher English pupils accompanied by Principal Teacher of English, Miss Fiona McGrogan, visited the Scottish Parliament to learn how the language skills they are learning are applied in the world of politics.

After a tour of the debating chamber with groups from all over Scotland, the pupils took part in workshops on drafting legislation, persuasive speechmaking and accurate reporting of the proceedings of the parliament, all delivered by members of the Parliament staff.

Lots of lively and fun examples were provided to show how the placing of a comma or choice of a word could change the impact or meaning of what was said or written. At the end of the day, a Question and Answer session with a new MSP allowed pupils to learn about day to day life in the Parliament.


Boys Under-13 Football Results

The Under-thirteen boys football team are flush with success following a 3-1 victory over Cardinal Newman High School. The emphatic score line hides the fact that this was a closely fought win between two well-matched and highly competitive teams.

The first Saint Aidan’s strike came from Nicholas Wells, ably assisted by Michael Craig. Michael went on to score the next Saint Aidan’s goal, finishing off a great pass from Mark Henderson. Calum Moon put a seal on the victory with a superb solo effort to round off the day.

Sports Leaders First Aid Course


The group of sixth year students who are currently studying for the Sports Leadership Award were immersed in a full day first aid course on Thursday 23rd November.

The group gained a formal qualification in First Aid, a vital qualification for anyone who is professionally involved in Sport Leadership. The young people in the group clearly enjoyed the experience and benefitted from the practical, hands on nature of the workshops involved.


Library Book Fair


St Aidan’s High school library recently held a Scholastic book fair. S1 and S2 pupils visited the library during English periods to take part in the event. There was a wide selection of items on offer, with junior fiction, young adult fiction, puzzle books, and novelty stationery making up the bulk of the book fair.


S4 pupils Martha McGuire, Jack McClung, Rhianne Kelly, Chantelle Kean, Gabrielle Goldie and Emma McArdle manned the cash desk during the weeklong event.


Earlier in 2017, at the spring book fair, St Aidan’s library earned £170 worth of Scholastic rewards to spend on books. During the recent book fair a group of keen readers from S1 assisted the librarian in choosing £170 worth of books for the school library. These popular fiction titles are a welcome addition to the catalogue.


The recent autumn book fair proved a huge success with pupils and staff and earned the library £167 in Scholastic rewards. Rewards which we look forward to spending at the next Scholastic book fair.



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