Monday 31st August 2015

A very warm welcome to Mrs Debbie Glen who starts in St Bartholomew’s office this morning. Mrs Glen will be with us every Monday and Friday, filling the days created by Mrs Smillie going down to three days a week. I know our whole school community will make Mrs Glen feel welcome and help her settle in quickly to her new post.

House Captain elections took place last week. Many congratulations to our eight new house captains:

Kaitlin Jeffrey
Kai Collins

Ryan Menzies
Holly MacFarlane

Daniel McGregor
Ava Duncan

Rachael Carlin
Ciaus Goldsmith

My diary has turned out to be chockablock this week and, unfortunately, I will be out of school for four days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). Although this isn’t ideal, Mrs Bolland and Mrs McIntyre will be on hand to deal with any issues and I will be in regular contact with the school during the days I am out of the building. Of course, my absence will have no impact on the daily HT blog: I will continue to message from my various locations!