Wednesday 26th August 2015

Our current website has served us well over the past three years and we regularly receive comments about its quality look and content. However, the system we use has many limitations and the time has come to transfer over to something more up-to-date.

Mrs McIntyre is busy behind the scenes building our new website and we will be ready to launch it over the next couple of weeks or so. It will have a similar look and feel to our current website, but will feature drop-down menus and the facility to post different media such as video clips. One of the most helpful new features (once we’ve worked out how to do it!) will be the Head Teacher’s blog appearing directly on the homepage as soon as you log in. We’re holding off starting individual class pages until the new website is ready – please bear with us.

So, watch this space: a new, slick, modern St Bart’s website is coming this way very, very soon!