Thursday 18th June 2015

Primary 4/5 are off to Glasgow Science Centre today where they’ll be finding out more about the amazing human body. Have a super day, boys and girls!

Primary 3 had a lovely party with baby Otto yesterday. The boys and girls (as well as Otto and Mrs Duncan) each received a certificate to show that they had participated in the ‘Roots of Empathy’ programme. I pointed out to the children that, although we need to say goodbye to Otto for the time being, we can look forward to meeting him again when he starts in the nursery in a couple of years’ time. Once again, many thanks to Otto and Mrs Duncan for giving so generously of their time this year. We’ve loved having you in the school and will really miss you!

Please pray for Aidan Di Caccia as he prepares for his move to St Ambrose High School.

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