Monday 15th June 2015

Twenty-four of our Primary 4 pupils spent Friday at the Primary Games. The children had a fantastic time participating in the various events and also walked away with the winning prize for the best school banner. The prize is a free block of after school sports activities next session. Many thanks to Mrs Dolan for helping the children with the banner. We’re all delighted with your achievement and the prize you won for the school!
I realise pupils and their parents will be keen to find out who their teacher will be after the holidays. Personnel plan to inform me of new members of staff by the end of this week and I will pass this information onto you as soon as I possibly can. At the very latest, a letter will be sent out along with report cards on Monday or Tuesday of next week.
Please pray for Catherine O’Neill and Chloe Foy as they prepare for their move to St Ambrose High School.