Wednesday 17th May 2015

Baby Otto and his mum have been working with Primary 3 throughout this year as part of the ‘Roots of Empathy’ programme. The boys and girls have watched Otto grow over the months and have learned lots from him about building relationships and caring for one another. Today will be Primary 3’s last session with Otto, so the boys and girls will be hosting a celebration party as a special thank you and goodbye. Many thanks to Mrs Duncan and Otto for giving so generously of their time throughout this year; it is very much appreciated. Thanks too to Agnes, the ‘Roots of Empathy’ tutor, for all her work and input with Primary 3.

We’ll be welcoming Val Corry to St Bartholomew’s later today. Val Corry was closely involved with St Bartholomew’s last session during her work with the Scottish Government. She recently heard about the major work that has been done to the building this year and contacted me to ask if she could have a look around. Scott and Heather from Primary 7 showed Val around on her very first visit to the school back in February 2014 and both pupils have very kindly agreed to stay after school to give Val a guided tour of our newly refurbished building. I’m sure she will be very impressed indeed!

A very imaginative Primary 3 pupil was busy yesterday afternoon with the ‘K’nex’. Here’s just one of his super creations!
Please pray for Heather Meechan as she prepares for her move to St Ambrose High School.

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