Thursday 4th June 2015

We had a surprise visitor in St Bartholomew’s yesterday afternoon. Father Ben is visiting Scotland all the way from Uganda and he wanted to make his first port of call St Bartholomew’s Primary. As you know, St Bart’s raises money on an annual basis for Father Ben’s work, including the school located in his parish. Father Ben met with members of the Faith in Action group yesterday who gave him and Mrs Starrs a tour of our newly refurbished building. Of course, Father Ben was particularly impressed with the oratory (a space which didn’t exist the last time he visited the school) and he took the opportunity to pray with the children here before he left at 3 o’clock. The photo below shows Father Ben and Mrs Starrs next to our wall display on Uganda.
I will be shut away in my office throughout today interviewing candidates for permanent teaching posts within the school. We were absolutely delighted to receive 54 applications and we’re very much looking forward to welcoming new faces to the St Bart’s team come August. It will probably be one or two weeks before the Personnel Department confirm those who have been appointed. However, I will let you know as soon as I do.
Please pray for Megan Flannigan as she prepares for her move to St Ambrose High School.

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