Wednesday 3rd June 2015

The weather forecast for both Thursday and Friday is very poor and the grassed area of the playground is already water-logged. Unfortunately, we have no option but to postpone Sports Day. However, a dry spell is forecast from Saturday onwards and we now plan to hold Sports Day a week today, Wednesday 10th June. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience… that’s the Scottish weather for you!

We are really looking forward to welcoming our new Primary 1 pupils back to St Bartholomew’s at 9.15am this morning. All 36 of the children will be heading down to the Primary 1 classroom to spend some time with Mrs Carlin. The boys and girls were extremely well-behaved and polite when they visited the school last Wednesday and I’m sure they will really impress Mrs Carlin when they visit their Primary 1 classroom for the first time today.

Weather-wise, it has been a very disappointing start to June. It’s felt more like autumn than summer! However, walk through the doors down at Primary 1 and any depressing thoughts of the wild, wet weather simply disappear! As you can see from the photographs below, the boys and girls have created a beautiful wall display, filled with spring and summer flowers, which is absolutely bursting with colour! Thank you for brightening up our days, boys and girls!

Please pray for Eilidh Gilmour as she prepares for her move to St Ambrose High School.

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