Tuesday 2nd June 2015

Primary 3 are off on a trip to Calderglen Park in East Kilbride today. Unfortunately, the weather forecast is looking a bit unpredictable, so let’s hope for more sunshine than showers! The boys and girls will have lots of time to explore, visit the castle, play in the park and will also have a special animal workshop at the zoo. Have a fantastic day, everyone!

Primary 6 had a great trip to Stirling Castle and the Wallace Monument yesterday. Check out Twitter for photographs of their historical adventure!

The parish Pray for our School group meets at 11.00am in the oratory this morning for their final meeting of the session. The lucky boys and girls who will enjoy a cup of tea and a biscuit with parishioners after the meeting will be those generous individuals who volunteered to be part of the choir for our First Communion Mass. Very well deserved!
Please pray for Scott Hamilton as he prepares for his move to St Ambrose High School.

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