Tuesday 14th May 2013

The new door at the infant end of the school has now been fitted and will be operational as from TODAY. Primary 1, 2 and 3 pupils will now enter and exit from this door. Please remind your child to line up at the new door this morning and bear in mind that they will no longer be leaving from the main entrance at 3 o’clock. Thank you.

Many of you will already be familiar with the work of Mary’s Meals, a global organisation that helps children in some of the world’s poorest communities. The charity provides one daily meal in a place of learning to attract children into the classroom where they receive an education to help give them a better future. There are currently over 750, 000 children being fed by Mary’s Meals every day. Over the next few weeks, the St Bartholomew’s school community will be collecting various items for the charity which will be used to fill school bags to send to Africa. This week, we are collecting stationery. Donations of pencils, pens, rubbers, rulers, sharpeners, etc. can be placed in the box located immediately outside the gym hall. It would be fantastic to see this brimming over by Friday afternoon!

Please note that Sports Day will take place on Wednesday 29th May. I realise this seems very early, but we have had to free up June for show rehearsals this year. Further information on sports day will follow in due course.