Holytown PS & Nurersy Class

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Divided City

Well what a proud Head Teacher I am!  Our two performances of Divided City were fantastic.  Over the past 10 weeks our Primary 7 pupils have been working with Primary 7 pupils from Christ the King Primary on a project focusing on the novel Divided City by Theresa Breslin.

This has been a really exciting and thought provoking project which has explored issues of sectarianism and friendship, issues which affect us all but hopefully will positively influence them as they grow and develop.  Our pupils have had the opportunity to explore and learn through working with cast and crew from The Citizen’s Theatre.

The pupils  have been a credit to their families and their schools. They have been enthusiastic, hardworking and enjoyed every minute of the project. They have worked together sharing thoughts and ideas. They have played together at playtimes and made new friends – a once in a lifetime experience.

Today we were joined by friends and families as well as local Councillors, Rev. Kyle and Father Haddock, to view the culmination of this superb project.  We were also delighted to host the BBC who were filming the performances as part of the documentary celebrating 70 years of the Citizen’s Theatre.  We were  honoured to have the author of Divided City, Theresa Breslin in the audience.

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Fire Drill

We had a Fire Drill today and I am delighted that we all got out safely in 1 minute 32 seconds.  We have a few points to work on including making sure all doors are closed and that children walk into the playground.  Well done everyone.

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Glasgow Music Festival

Congratulations to our fabulous choir who were awarded joint 3rd place last Monday.  They have all worked really hard and we are so proud of their achievements.  Thank you very much to Mrs Ewart for her hard work getting the choir ready.

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North Lanarkshire Learning Festival – Parents’ Conference

North Lanarkshire Learning Festival 2015 – Parents’ Conference Thursday, 26 March

The 2015 North Lanarkshire Parents’ Conference will be held in Motherwell Theatre and Concert Hall from 4.30pm – 7.30pm on Thursday, 26 March as part of the wider two day Learning Festival.

There will be two keynote speakers – Mike Stevenson of Thinktastic and Graham Logan, Strategic Director of Education Scotland. There will also be seminars on a range of topics of interest to parents. A copy of the programme for the parents’ conference and details of the seminars are attached. I would ask you to note that parents are also able to attend any seminars or talks by keynote speakers at the Learning Festival outwith the 4.30 – 7.30 time period.

Parents can register online for the conference at https://surveymonkey.com/r/NLLF2015

If any parents wish to attend any other keynote addresses or seminars they can also register for these online. Full information on all the keynote speakers and the seminars can be found at http://www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=31499

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Friday 13th March – Red Nose Day

To celebrate Red Nose Day, Rooms 9 and 11 have been focusing on World Poverty and have organised an Assembly on Friday 13th March at 9.30am. Parents welcome! The classes have organised some surprises for the afternoon.

As well as this we have been selling Red Noses and to date have sold 300, with many children trying to get one of each type.

On Friday we will also have a Non-Uniform Day but we are asking the children to pay £1 to wear something Red or a Red Nose Day T- Shirt.

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Mother’s Day

To celebrate Mother’s Day we are having a gift sale to allow the children to buy a gift for a special lady in their life. Gifts cost 50p, £1 and £1.50 and will be on sale on Friday. Children will also have an opportunity to wrap their gift.

This is a non-profit making initiative.

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Divided City

Primary 7 pupils have been working hard with Primary 7 pupils from Christ The King Primary over the past 2 months on a project based on the Novel “Divided City”. This is an exciting project funded by Scottish Government and North Lanarkshire Council and delivered by The Citizens Theatre Company.

The novel has been transformed into a musical and covers themes such as Sectarianism and Racism.
Our performances are on Friday 27th March 2015 at 1.45pm and 6.30pm and will take place in the school hall.

The BBC have commissioned a special programme to celebrate The Citizens Theatre’ 70th Birthday and will be filming our performance to be shown as part of this special programme.  More photographs to follow.

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Communication with Parents

We are always looking at ways of improving our Communication with parents.

As part of our In-Service Training on Wednesday 11th February, all staff received training with creating blogs. We are using these to update our school website. Information on what has been happening in each class will appear in the Class Blog section. This can be accessed via the school website, www.holytown.n-lanark.sch.uk and clicking on the Class Blog tab at the top or via https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/nl/holytownclassblog/

The information Blog contains general information about the school.

We also have a twitter account @holytownPS. Please follow us and keep up to date.

If you do not wish your child to appear in any website or twitter photographs, please inform us in writing.

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