Our Termly Curriculum letters have been sent home in school bags today. Please check your child’s bag. If you require another copy, please contact the school office.
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Our Termly Curriculum letters have been sent home in school bags today. Please check your child’s bag. If you require another copy, please contact the school office.
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Primary 7 pupils from Holytown Primary and Christ The King Primary will be on the BBC tonight as part of programme celebrating 70 years of the Citizen’s Theatre. BBC 2 at 21.00. (The BBC have advised their is some use of inappropriate language)
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There is no school on Friday 25th and Monday 28th September as it is the September Holiday Weekend.
Our monthly Non Uniform Day will be on Friday 2nd October.
Happy Holidays!
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Thank you to all the children who have put themselves forward for a leadership role within the school. Pupils who wish to be part of the Eco, Health, Road Safety Committees and School Council, will have an opportunity to speak to their class during this week and next, with each class voting.
House Captains and Vice Captains (P4 – P7) should prepare a short speech to deliver at Assembly telling us why they think they should have a Pupil Leadership role within the school. All pupils will be able to place their votes at the end of assembly.
Good Luck and may the best candidates win.
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Today in Assembly we were learning all about Recycling, to keep our school clean and tidy and to take care of the Environment.
We are looking to see which children are recycling properly at playtime and lunchtime.
We have also been learning French in Assemblies and this week we were focusing on;
Comment tu t’appelles? (What is your name?)
Je m’appelle…(My name is..)
Et toi (and you).
and Mrs Murie is delighted to hear so many children speaking to her in French in and around the school.
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Last week we launched our OSCARS award, Our School Celebrates and Recognises Success.
This week we were focusing on pupils who work hard and demonstrate Exceptional Effort and Successful Learners.
Well done to all our winners! Their statues are displayed on their desks in the class for all to see.
Next week our focus will be on Confident Individuals and Exceptional Effort.
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We are in the process of updating the Website and Blog, but whilst this is happening, you may experience some duplicated information and messy pages. We apologise in advance for this and hope to have our new look website and blog up and running by October.
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We have slightly changed the ways in which we celebrate success at Assemblies. As part of our weekly Monday assembly, teachers will nominate 2 children from their class to receive an OSCARS (Our School Celebrates And Recognises Success). Each week OSCARS will be awarded for Execptional Effort, with the other award rotating between, Successful Learners, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens and Confident Individuals. We will also be continuing with our weekly Good To Be Green raffle, for pupils who have stayed on Green all week.
Congratulations to this week’s winners!
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We would like to welcome all our pupils back to school on Tuesday 18th August 2015. Our breakfast club will be open as usual for pupils in Primary 2 – Primary 7 from 8.15am.
We are delighted to welcome our new Primary 1 pupils to our school on Tuesday 18 August. Please join us in the hall at 10.00am. Mrs Campbell and Mrs Bosco will call the pupil’s names and take them along to their classes for their first day at school as Holytown Primary 1 pupils.
We would like to invite into the classroom at 2.45pm to take some photos, (although we can only permit 2 adults per child!).
We would also like to welcome back to our Primary 2 – Primary 7 pupils. When the bell rings, please line up at your new class door and your new teacher will welcome you into your class, if you have forgotten which class you are in don’t worry, come to the office and someone will be able to help you. Please remember the playground is not supervised until 8.45am and no-one should be in the playground before then.
We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
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The first stage of the fixed play equipment has been completed today. We just need to wait to make sure everything is safe before it can be used at the beginning of next week.
(photographs by Corinna, Ashleigh and Ellyce)