Holytown PS & Nurersy Class

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Non-Uniform Day – Friday 5th February 2016

This month our Non-Uniform Day will be held on Friday 5th February 2016, due to the above assembly. Pupils who wish to take part can pay £1 to wear their own clothes, with the exception of Rooms 1 & 2 who must wear their uniform due to the school trip to the Science Centre. Pupils not taking part MUST attend in their school uniform.


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Room 1 & 2 Science Centre Visit

Rooms 1 and 2 will be visiting Glasgow Science Centre on Friday 5th February.  This will be a fabulous experience for all the children involved.  Children should come to school in their full School Uniform.

Information and permission slips have been sent out about this separately.  I am sure the children will all have a great time.

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Non-Uniform Day

This month our Non-Uniform Day will be held on Friday 5th February 2016, due to last week’s class assembly. Pupils who wish to take part can pay £1 to wear their own clothes. Pupils not taking part MUST attend in their school uniform.

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Room 3 and 4 Class Assembly

Today we were treated to a fabulous Scottish assembly by the boys and girls in Rooms 3 & 4.  Our Burns Competition Winners also recited their poems beautifully.  With a special congratulations to Faith our Infant winner (more photos to follow).  Well done to everyone, you were fabulous!


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