How will my child’s learning be assessed?
In playrooms and classrooms, staff will be using improved ways of assessing children’s learning taking account of national and local advice and guidance. Assessment is a continuous process, carried out by staff in a variety of ways, in order to ascertain progress, and diagnose difficulties e.g. observation, setting goals and targets and the use of specific tests when children are ready. Staff also assess formatively and encourage pupils to do the same for their own work and their peers. Pupils, Teachers and Parents use the Traffic Light System to assess work:
- Green for good understanding, not requiring much help;
- Amber for some understanding and some help required;
- Red for not understanding and needing a lot of help to complete.
Pupil attainment in literacy and numeracy is tracked each session using a range of methods, including teacher professional judgement, moderation of standards in work, standardised testing. Results are discussed with staff and pupils are challenged/supported appropriately. Results are tracked year on year to ensure that pupils are making progress.
National 4 and 5 Qualifications were introduced in 2013/2014.
Access, Highers and Advanced Highers are being updated to reflect Curriculum for Excellence.
New highers in most subjects were introduced in almost all North Lanarkshire schools in August 2014.
Please click on the link to find out more about assessment from Education Scotland’s Parentzone.
How will I be informed about my child’s progress?
Your child’s progress will be reported to you so that you know how well your child is doing.
This year, in order to ensure parents and carers are more fully aware of their child’s current targets, they will be sent out to all parents in October. Targets are written in collaboration with each individual child and reflect where they and their teacher believes they are in their learning. As always we welcome parent feedback on this sheet. A full written report is issued in April and this report highlights each child’s strengths, development needs and the next steps in their learning.
Parents are invited to school twice per year to discuss their child’s progress, but are welcome to consult with the class teacher at other times if there is an issue that concerns them or they wish more information. A telephone call or letter to arrange a mutually convenient time is appreciated.
We also hold open events each session when parents can visit the classroom and see their child at work.
Each year we will let you know what is being done to implement Curriculum for Excellence so that you can be confident that your child is receiving a high quality education.
Click on the link below to find out more about reporting on progress from Education Scotland’s Parentzone.
Click here for information from The Scottish Government on ways schools are Reporting on Progress