Learning Across The Curriculum

Themes Across Learning

Our enterprise co-ordinator works with colleagues to  plan for all pupils to have the opportunities to use an enterprising approach, which develops the 4 capacities of the curriculum for excellence in our pupils. Pupils actively plan and implement their projects, which include school productions, class assemblies, bring and buy sales, running sports events, hosting a world at work event and also creating products to sell. We have experienced considerable success in this theme by winnin two NLC enterprise awards – ‘Junior Genius’ (Individual 1st, 3rd) and ‘Dragon’s Lair’ (Overall 1st). Our enterprise committee take a leading role in organising whole school events as well as teacher-led class projects.

Our global citizenship and eco committees are newly reformed and we are looking forward to bringing together all the existing aspects of good practice throughout the school to create a whole school approach. We are developing our school gardens to make them sustainable and we plan to grow, cook and eat our own produce in September!

Interdisciplinary Learning

All planning formats address the experiences and outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence. We have been working on delivering topics/themes from Learning Unlimited, which provide quality materials based on the principles of a Curriculum for Excellence. We teach mini topics/focus weeks such as The Community Garden, The Sensory Garden, Global/Eco Week, Enterprise Week, Poppy Fortnight, Anti-Bullying Week, Health Fortnight and Scottish Week. Pupils have more ownership over these topics by being involved in the planning process. At the end of each term, pupils take part in a Challenge Week when they display their knowledge, skills and capacities to the school community.

Responsibility for All

We have also developed interdisciplinary learning that ensures a focus on each of the three core areas of health and wellbeing, literacy and numeracy across the curriculum each session.

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