Thank you to all of the parents and Gran’s who came to help P4/5 with their numeracy today. The boys and girls loved showing you their Big Maths and designing fraction kites. A big thank you to all of you who had a go at the Beat That tests! 👏🏻
Thank you to all of the parents and Gran’s who came to help P4/5 with their numeracy today. The boys and girls loved showing you their Big Maths and designing fraction kites. A big thank you to all of you who had a go at the Beat That tests! 👏🏻
We’ve had a busy fun filled day in P4/5! From fraction hunts to teepees and beat the street, good fun was had by all!
We had lots of fun during shared PE this morning having a go at the long jump. We worked in teams and measured how far we could jump from a standing position. Our next steps are to try a run up before jumping then the triple jump!
We had fun in Edinburgh today with a trip to the dungeons followed by an afternoon in the National Museum of Scotland!
It was all too much for some!
P4/5 are preparing for a very special visit next week from a famous Scottish artist! Steven Brown will be dropping in to speak to the children after hearing about their wonderful McCoo creations! We can’t wait!!
P4/5 have started their new Interdisciplinary topic, Native Americans! Today we researched what life was like for Native Americans. We even had fun learning what our Indian names would be!
This creative P5 had built a wigwam at home with his family and very kindly brought it in for us to see! Thank you!
P4/5 used their mental maths skills to help them carry out their Spelling this morning! It definetely woke some people up! We had to add up the value of the letters on the telephone keypad of our spelling words. We used some of our learn its in big maths to help us!
Today P4/5 planted peas and lettuce in the garden. We worked hard to prepare the ground then sprinkle our seeds!
P4/5 had great fun trying out some of the new playground equipment today. We can’t wait to use it all soon!