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Scottish Dancing

P4/5 and P5/6 have been working hard to learn some famous Scottish ceilidh dances. We completed our block of dance this morning by doing a Dashing White Sergeant. There were lots of red faces and sore arms after it. What an ideal way to celebrate our national poet, Robert Burns.

Lego Ice Experiments in P2/3

We put little Lego characters in freezer bags full of water and put them in the freezer overnight. image

Then we discussed how we could melt the ice and set the Lego figure free. We decided to use warm water, salt and a spoon to help us.

We used the warm water and salt to help melt parts of the ice and the spoon was used to help chip the ice away.


After lots of problem solving and great teamwork, we successfully set our Lego figure free from the ice. What a fun way to end our Artic and Antartic topic. Well done P2/3


Pudsey is all set!

The pupil council and enterprise committee did a fantastic job getting ready for Children In Need tomorrow!

Each class will get to visit the toy sale throughout the day,  prices range from 50p to £2.50. Thank you for all of the generous donations.

Children can wear something spotty or their own clothes tomorrow and pay £1. No football tops please.

Raffle tickets will also be on sale for 50p to win our fantastic Pudsey balloon!
